Human behaviours are habits we learn in the habitats of life.
As defined, a habitat is a natural environment. We can produce habitats that can appear to be natural, and we can also produce habitats that can appear to be supernatural. In order to change habits, we can either change within the habitat, or we can move out from under the habitat in order to change habits. Changing human habits is often difficult, and changing habitats can be even more difficult.
Earth is the habitat of humanity, for In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1: 1)
When God created Adam, change began to happen quickly: for the Devil did not like what God had done on planet earth. And the divine order of God was attacked.
When the Son of God was born in Bethehem, the Devil did not like what God had done. The Devil issued a declaration of war and summoned all of his evil converts to take up arms and go after Jesus.
As the years moved toward the cross, the scribes and the Pharisees were unrelenting in their verbal abuse and visciousness directed at Christ! Hounding Him. Following Him. Sneaking. Snitching.
Jesus issued seven woes against the scribes and the Pharisees, and the Lord was not kind to them. The Lord knew them. The Lord knew they were evil. Their mouths were full of the venom of Satan.
This is an important lesson we need to pay attention to and learn from in this habitat of humanity as Jesus addesses the issue of the scribes and Pharisees.
Obviously, other people---namely, the disciples---did not know the seriousness of the problem with the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus knew. Their minds were evil because evil was their natural habitat, and their behaviour was shrouded in priestly garments. Because they were master deceivers, they had dual personalities. Their deception was so expertly polished and refined that even family members did not know of their evil activities, nor would ever suspect that they were members of an evil, corrupt organization that had infiltrated the Sanhedrin in order to persuade the Sanhedrin to execute Jesus.
To go further, religion is the pinnacle of the arrogance of mankind, for it is an unnatural habitat though man has done his best to make religion appear to be natural. Adding evil people in religion---in the shroud of priestly garments---is like grinding salt with pepper to produce one seasoning, and people whose taste buds are dead will not know the difference. Religion is evil, the priesthood of man's religions are evil, but for people who do not know God, they do not know the difference, nor do they ever suspect that they are in an house of evil with evil priests. This is a habitat inspired by Satan in order to deceive people from knowing Christ.
Over the past 2000 years, evil-minded people of the seed of the scribes and Pharisees have constructed pinnacles of arrogrance across Europe, across the United States, and in many nations in the form of cathedrals and churches: filling pulpits with agents of darkness, shrouded in priestly garments, displaying pomp and pagentry in order to subvert and pervert the Gospel of Christ. They have also infiltrated Bible colleges and theological seminaries in order to doctor doctrines that are not Biblical in order to compromise the truth of Jesus Christ.
Not only are the pulpits contaminated, but many of the laity are also part of this evil conspiracy as participants of secret societies: and they, too, are polished and refined to the extent that even their families do not know, nor even suspect, their connection to subverting and undermining the cause of Christ.
This is their cause. This is their crusade. For there is a network of societies, working together though seperately, for the purpose of preventing Christ from becoming known to people around the world---while, at the same time, promoting their cause in their duty to Satan: for their service to Satan is to tear down the cause of Christ.
Jesus knew this. Jesus saw this in the scribes and Pharisees. For as young as two years of age, King Herod issued a decree to have Jesus killed---when the Lord was merely a baby! Herod's mind was evil because he was of the same habitat of those in priestly garments.
Centuries earlier, Nimrod built the first pinnacle of arrogance at Babel, and even though God confused their language, thereby disabling effective communication, the people departed in various language groups to transport Babylonianism throughout the world. Their habitat was occultic, Satanic mysteries, operating under the disguise of religion(s) with evil messengers in priestly garments.
Centuries later, they lodged in Rome, where they reinvented the tower of Babel with a new name--- Catholic Church---and Constantine the Great declared Christianity to be the State Religion of the Roman Empire: thereby erecting a habitat of evil over true Christianity in an effort to extinguish the Light of Christ by eliminating Christ's messengers, the born again believers.
For in Rome, Babylonian practices became Church practices. Babylonian names became Christian names. Nimrod became Pope. Semiramis (Queen of Babylon) became Mary. And Jesus was reduced to the image of a baby. People who refused to bow to the Pope were called heretics. The Catholic Church is just as opposed to Christ as the scribes and Pharsiees were in Jerusalem! Their modus operandi is deception by evil-minded people in priestly garments.
Not just in Rome, but in religions around the world this same habitat became the practice with god-men at the top of the pinnacles of arrogance.
Jesus saw this modus operandi in Jerusalem 2000 years ago and He called them: vipers and hypocrites.
Please remember: pinnacles of arrogance is the habitat of evil; and the people within this habitat have evil minds because their environment if all about evil. Their minds feast and manufacture evil because their natural minds are all about evil, 100% of the time, and these people shroud their evil minds in priestly garments in order to deceive people from knowing Christ.
Therefore, because their minds are evil from their evil habitat, murder is natural to them. It was their nature to kill Christ. It has been their nature to kill Christians for 2000 years, and they will kill again because killing is their nature. And their nature is from the mind of Satan. They think like their daddy, Satan, because his mind is in them, for they are the sons of Satan in priestly garments, vipers and hypocrites.
Jesus knew them.
As defined, a habitat is a natural environment. We can produce habitats that can appear to be natural, and we can also produce habitats that can appear to be supernatural. In order to change habits, we can either change within the habitat, or we can move out from under the habitat in order to change habits. Changing human habits is often difficult, and changing habitats can be even more difficult.
Earth is the habitat of humanity, for In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1: 1)
When God created Adam, change began to happen quickly: for the Devil did not like what God had done on planet earth. And the divine order of God was attacked.
When the Son of God was born in Bethehem, the Devil did not like what God had done. The Devil issued a declaration of war and summoned all of his evil converts to take up arms and go after Jesus.
As the years moved toward the cross, the scribes and the Pharisees were unrelenting in their verbal abuse and visciousness directed at Christ! Hounding Him. Following Him. Sneaking. Snitching.
Jesus issued seven woes against the scribes and the Pharisees, and the Lord was not kind to them. The Lord knew them. The Lord knew they were evil. Their mouths were full of the venom of Satan.
This is an important lesson we need to pay attention to and learn from in this habitat of humanity as Jesus addesses the issue of the scribes and Pharisees.
Obviously, other people---namely, the disciples---did not know the seriousness of the problem with the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus knew. Their minds were evil because evil was their natural habitat, and their behaviour was shrouded in priestly garments. Because they were master deceivers, they had dual personalities. Their deception was so expertly polished and refined that even family members did not know of their evil activities, nor would ever suspect that they were members of an evil, corrupt organization that had infiltrated the Sanhedrin in order to persuade the Sanhedrin to execute Jesus.
To go further, religion is the pinnacle of the arrogance of mankind, for it is an unnatural habitat though man has done his best to make religion appear to be natural. Adding evil people in religion---in the shroud of priestly garments---is like grinding salt with pepper to produce one seasoning, and people whose taste buds are dead will not know the difference. Religion is evil, the priesthood of man's religions are evil, but for people who do not know God, they do not know the difference, nor do they ever suspect that they are in an house of evil with evil priests. This is a habitat inspired by Satan in order to deceive people from knowing Christ.
Over the past 2000 years, evil-minded people of the seed of the scribes and Pharisees have constructed pinnacles of arrogrance across Europe, across the United States, and in many nations in the form of cathedrals and churches: filling pulpits with agents of darkness, shrouded in priestly garments, displaying pomp and pagentry in order to subvert and pervert the Gospel of Christ. They have also infiltrated Bible colleges and theological seminaries in order to doctor doctrines that are not Biblical in order to compromise the truth of Jesus Christ.
Not only are the pulpits contaminated, but many of the laity are also part of this evil conspiracy as participants of secret societies: and they, too, are polished and refined to the extent that even their families do not know, nor even suspect, their connection to subverting and undermining the cause of Christ.
This is their cause. This is their crusade. For there is a network of societies, working together though seperately, for the purpose of preventing Christ from becoming known to people around the world---while, at the same time, promoting their cause in their duty to Satan: for their service to Satan is to tear down the cause of Christ.
Jesus knew this. Jesus saw this in the scribes and Pharisees. For as young as two years of age, King Herod issued a decree to have Jesus killed---when the Lord was merely a baby! Herod's mind was evil because he was of the same habitat of those in priestly garments.
Centuries earlier, Nimrod built the first pinnacle of arrogance at Babel, and even though God confused their language, thereby disabling effective communication, the people departed in various language groups to transport Babylonianism throughout the world. Their habitat was occultic, Satanic mysteries, operating under the disguise of religion(s) with evil messengers in priestly garments.
Centuries later, they lodged in Rome, where they reinvented the tower of Babel with a new name--- Catholic Church---and Constantine the Great declared Christianity to be the State Religion of the Roman Empire: thereby erecting a habitat of evil over true Christianity in an effort to extinguish the Light of Christ by eliminating Christ's messengers, the born again believers.
For in Rome, Babylonian practices became Church practices. Babylonian names became Christian names. Nimrod became Pope. Semiramis (Queen of Babylon) became Mary. And Jesus was reduced to the image of a baby. People who refused to bow to the Pope were called heretics. The Catholic Church is just as opposed to Christ as the scribes and Pharsiees were in Jerusalem! Their modus operandi is deception by evil-minded people in priestly garments.
Not just in Rome, but in religions around the world this same habitat became the practice with god-men at the top of the pinnacles of arrogance.
Jesus saw this modus operandi in Jerusalem 2000 years ago and He called them: vipers and hypocrites.
Please remember: pinnacles of arrogance is the habitat of evil; and the people within this habitat have evil minds because their environment if all about evil. Their minds feast and manufacture evil because their natural minds are all about evil, 100% of the time, and these people shroud their evil minds in priestly garments in order to deceive people from knowing Christ.
Therefore, because their minds are evil from their evil habitat, murder is natural to them. It was their nature to kill Christ. It has been their nature to kill Christians for 2000 years, and they will kill again because killing is their nature. And their nature is from the mind of Satan. They think like their daddy, Satan, because his mind is in them, for they are the sons of Satan in priestly garments, vipers and hypocrites.
Jesus knew them.
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