Friday, April 13, 2012


   A year from now, what do you suppose you will wish you had done that you did not do today?
   What is your hope for the future?
   In what, or in whom, do you have your faith to believe that the world situation will be better than it is today?
   The economy of the world is weak and fragile. 
   Governments are seeking solutions that do not solve problems. 
   Wars and rumors of wars are increasing. 
   The magnitude of earthquakes is on the rise and with more frequency.
   Religion is not offering any lasting hope for people.
   The Holy Bible has been telling us about the world situation that we are in today:  and the Bible has never been wrong.
   For more than two hundred years, religion and politics have been working together, silently and secretly, to usher in a New World Order:  a global government, a global religion, and with a global dictator. 
   In the near future, Arab nations---along with Russia---will attack Israel.  And the only friend Israel has today is the United States.
   Also consider China, which has the largest military system in the world today. China has two hundred million military personnel in its army, navy, and air force, making China a military giant.
   The United States is planning for RFID microchip implants for all Americans by the end of March, 2013. 
   For more than two thousand years, the Bible has been giving us the signs, or signals, of events that are happening now:  wars and rumors of wars; earthquakes; signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars.  The Bible has been telling us of a global government, a global religion, and a global dictator.  All systems are now in place for evil people to take over the world.
   In truth, it is time for people to take off their blinders and look at all that is happening and to stop believing that the world situation is going to improve.   It will not.  It is time for people to stop thinking that the Bible is nothing more than a book of fairytales and myth. 
   Christ came that we might have life and to have it more abundantly.  Christ died for our sins, and if we accept Him as our Saviour, we will escape the wrath of God that is about to come upon the earth.  Just as Noah's ark saved those who believed that God would destroy the earth by water, Christ is the ark that believers will have to remove us from the earth before God destroys the earth.
   If, however, your faith is in politics, in religion, or in yourself, you will be left behind and you will suffer the consequences of your decision.
   What will you do?  Accept Christ, or remain silent?
   A year from now, what do you suppose you will wish you had done that you did not do today?

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