Sunday, April 22, 2012


   It was a silent night in Bethlehem when Jesus was born.  People were busy, tending to the things of their world, and paying their tax to Caesar.  The birth of the Son of God was not in their minds.  If the Jews had been doing their "daily Bible reading", however, and from studying the words of the prophets, they would have been prepared for the arrival of Messiah.
   In like manner, look at today:  if people in Christian churches and Christian religions were doing their "daily Bible reading", and from studying the words of the prophets, they would know that it's about time for the return of our Lord.  Instead, many people in churches and religions are just like the Jews when Jesus was born:  they are tending to the things of this world---working, playing, paying their tax to Washington.  They are unfamiliar with the book of Daniel, the book of Revelation, the 24th chapter of Matthew, and the 21st chapter of Luke.
   To be truthful, many people in churches today are like children in the nursery:  they repeat the same rites, riturals, and traditions that they have known since they were toddlers, they know how to behave themselves, and then they get a cookie and a glass of punch before going home to attend to the matters of this world---working, playing, paying tax to Washington. 
   God, on the other hand, gave the Jews the words of the prophets so that they would know and be prepared for the arrival of Messiah. 
   Likewise, Christ gave us a list of signs, or signals, that will happen before His return and before the end of the world.
   People of the United States and people around the world are going to be shocked and stunned when the earth begins to shake:  from mega earthquakes, multiple volcanic eruptions, solar flares, and nuclear war.  Death and destruction will cover the earth. 
  Knowing this, what are people in the world doing today other than working, playing, and paying taxes? 
   Jesus said these exact behaviors were of the people before the flood of Noah's time as well as among the citizens of the cities, Sodom and Gomorrah.  They did not believe that God would do what God said He would do.  So it is today:  people will not believe that God will do what God has said He will do.
   And it's about time.

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