Friday, April 20, 2012


   Over the past fifty years, most people in the United States have (as we say) had it made.  We have had peace and prosperity, jobs have been plentiful, educational opportunities unlimited, freedom of speech, freedom to protest, freedom of religion, and the freedom to do most anything people want to do as long as they remain within the boundaries of the law.
   Millions of Americans have never served in the armed forces, many Americans have never visited a third world country, and many Americans have never witnessed the poverty of communities within our own nation.  Millions have never missed a meal because of financial difficulty, and millions have never had to wear hand-me-down clothes, or walk to school, or walk to town to play baseball.
   Overall, people of America have had more liberty with more peace and prosperity than any nation in human history. 
   When President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, there was silence across the nation and people wept.
   When the World Trade Center in New York City came tumbling down in 1991, there was silence across the nation and people wept.
    As for natural disasters, we have some hurricanes and tornadoes, but we rebuild and life goes on.
   The last mega earthquake in the United States was in Alaska in 1964, which was long before millions of Americans were born.
   To millions of Americans, the Holy Bible means nothing, God means very little,  Christ is no more than a figurine in a manger scene at Christmas, and Easter is all about a bunny rabbit and colored eggs.
   Between the safety of two shores, millions of Americans are unaware of the New World Order, the coming world government, and a world dictator.
   Millions of Americans are unaware that the economy of the United States is on the edge of total collapse, that the economy of the whole world is on the edge of total collapse, and that a global economic depression is in the near future.
   Earthquakes are increasing in number and in magnitude, but that is nothing for many Americans to be concerned about.  Seven volcanoes are beginning to rumble and spew ash, but that is nothing for Americans to be concerned about.  Drought is now a serious event in Texas, in Mexico, China, Africa, and Europe, but that is nothing to be concerned about.  Millions and millions of fish and birds have died suddenly in recent years, but that is nothing to be concerned about.
   What is the significance of two executive orders signed by President Obama in March, 2012? 
   What is the significance of microchip implants?
   What is the significance of Arab nations that will soon attack Israel?
   What is the significance of Israel to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem?
   What is the significance of the United Nations and the Vatican moving to Jerusalem?
   What is the significance of the highest seat of authority of the United Nations and the European Union Parliament the seat number 666?
   In times like these, what do people of the United States believe? 
   In the near future, events in the United States will come to pass and the minds of Americans will be astonished.  Americans are living between the safety of two shores, believing that life will go on and on as normal, and any talk about God's judgment is nothing more than noisy retoric. 
   America is about to be awakened.

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