Monday, April 23, 2012


     The tower of Babel was a turning point in human history, yet many people do not know about the significance of Babel, nor of a man by the name of Nimrod.
     To begin, the 11th chapter of the Book of Genesis opens with the story of a people building a tower "whose top may reach unto heaven".  God was not pleased with this project.
    People of the earth at that time spoke one language and God confounded their language, which created confusion with all of their babbling, and, unable to communicate, they stopped building the tower.
     The name "Nimrod" in Hebrew is "rebel".  Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah, builder of the ark that saved the human race during the flood that destroyed all living.  Whereas "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord", Nimrod wanted no part of Noah's belief; neither did Nimrod want any part of knowing God.
     In the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Nimrod built himself a kingdom.  He was a powerful man and a man to be feared.  He built and organized the cities of Babel, Asshur, Ninevah, and Calah.  Not only was he a political organizer, he was also the self-appointed high priest of occultic worship. He was a god unto himself and people considered him diety.
     Nimrod was born on December 25th.  After his death, his wife, Queen Semiramis, declared Nimrod to be the Sun-god.  In the course of time and in other cultures, he became known as Baal, the Great Life Giver, the god of fire, Baalim, Bel, Motech, etc.
     Later, Queen Semiramis gave birth to an illegitimate son, Tammuz, and she claimed that Nimrod had been reborn, believing that her son was supernaturally conceived.  The child was worshippped as was Queen Semiramis, which was the beginning of a mother-god relationship.  Tammuz was killed by a wild boar, and Semiramis started a tradition in which people would "weep for forty days" leading up to the time when Tammuz was killed. She also believed that each spring Tammuz would arise and live again.
     The pagan feast of December 25th celebrates Nimrod and his overshadowing of Semiramis who brought forth a pagan child known as Tammuz.   Furthermore, she claimed that a full grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, and on each anniversary of Nimrod's birth, she claimed Nimrod would visit and leave gifts.
     Another name for Semiramis is Ishtar, and, on Ishtar Sunday, Ishtar died and supposedly ascended to the sky in the form of an egg-laying rabbit. 
       In ancient Egypt, the sun-god became Ra.  In Greece, the sun-god became Apollo.  And in ancient Rome, the sun-god became Sol Invictus, or "Invincible Sun".
     In time, more changes took place.  The Judeo-Christian sabbath day, Saturday, became Sunday.  Sunday, of course, is SUNday to pagans, which is the day they worship the sun.
     Ishtar became Easter, and Easter which fluctuates from year to year to coincide with moon worship for pagans, and the moon god can be either male or female, by names such as Selene, Diana, Isis, Nanna, Sin, Mani and many others across many cultures. 
     As a matter of historical fact, there is no Biblical record for the birthday of Jesus.  His death record is the 14th day of the first Hebrew month and His resurrection was three days later on the 17th.  These dates do not change or fluctuate. 
     The lesson from the tower of Babel is truly simple:
     Nimrod turned his back on God; in so doing, he brought upon himself every manner of evil.  Using the power of his office and with his personality, he persuaded citizens to believe as he believed.  Because God had confounded their language, his people divided themselves in clans and language groups and became agents of darkness, departing from Mesopotamia with the wicked teachings of Nimrod in their minds, spreading seeds of deception and occultic practices to the four winds of the earth, the evidence of which is visible to this day, all over the earth.
   Today, the English language has become a global language, or one language for the whole world to speak; and thus, in a way, we have returned to Babel.
   Nimrod is a "picture" of Antichrist, who will control the world, in politics and religion, using the power of his office and his personality; and evil will come out of Antichrist just as evil came out of Nimrod.
   You are encouraged to read the Holy Bible and to know the truth about human history and especially the truth about Jesus Christ. 

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