Tuesday, April 1, 2014


   Knowing, then, that the temples of our minds are designed and designated to be the seat of the Holy Spirit of God in us through Christ Jesus, let us therefore cast away all knowledge of religion and let it not have dominion over our minds; for the purpose of religion, invented and designed by men, is to control and dominate the minds of people, and not for the purpose of true worship of God, but a place for the worship of the gods of men, as well as a place for substitute salvation:  for everything that is in religion is ungodly and unholy, whose ministers and messengers are also ungodly and unholy men. 
   In times past, we were all ignorant of the Gospel of Christ, but now, being saved from our sins through Him, we are no longer ignorant; therefore we should flee from religion and leave it behind us.  For God has given us a sound mind in which we can understand the things we understand, with the knowledge of knowing that we can seek God in our prayers to understand the things that we do not understand:  for man's religion is an institution of war against God as it is also an institution of war against us.  For as people come to know Christ and turn away from religion, religion loses a slave and a soldier for Satan. 
   When the Pharoah of Egypt finally agreed with Moses to let the children of Israel go, Pharoah quickly changed his mind and mounted his chariot to recapture the children of Israel to bring them back to his slave camp in order to resume his dominion over them. 
   In like manner, when we unite with Christ and flee religion, the devil will mount his chariot to recapture us, through discouragement and deceit, to bring us back to the slave camp of religion to resume his dominion over us by his ministers and messengers in priestly garments.  For the devil does not want us to be free, but to be prisoners under the dome or religion, living in a cell, as in solitary confinement, being force-fed by religious wardens as if we are in hospitals on artificial life support as brain-dead patients.
   What helps us, then, in our journey with Christ, is to stop living as though we are religious people, and cease from trying to be, or act, religious, for we are not.  Christ saved us from the slave ship of religion, and now we are free to walk by ourselves for the first time---not being led by a mother's hand, but walking hand in hand with the Lord.
   Moreover, we should read and study the Bible, the Word of the Lord, which enables us to learn the words of God, to learn from the mind of God, so that, in time, we begin to think in the thoughts of God instead of thinking in the thoughts of religion:  from which begins a new educational process of flushing out old and useless knowledge and saturating our minds with the knowledge of God, for we are now the children of God, and thereby free to walk and talk with Almighty God. 
   Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he:  before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.  I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior.  (Isaiah 43: 10-11)
   Knowing Christ, therefore, is the turning point:  the point where we turn around from the systems of this world and walk in newness of life with Him.  For as Christ was resurrected from death, we are also resurrected from spiritual death by placing our faith in Him, which enables us to grab hold of the hands of Him whose hands were nailed to a cross for our sins.

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