Saturday, June 9, 2012


   In the history of the universe, no name is believed or not believed as much as the name of Jesus Christ. 
   Having said that, how many people in the world know your name?  And how many people will know your name in 2000 years?
   The teachings of Jesus have been received by people around the world, and the world has been a better place in which to live because of the people who have believed in Him.
   We know of Christ because of others---others who brought the message of Jesus to us, beginning in Jerusalem, and from there to the uttermost parts of the world, over the past 2012 years.  And the message of Jesus has never changed. 
   Jesus is the name you can trust.  The name you can believe.  The name that is holy.  The name that is above and beyond every name that has ever been spoken. 
  Trust in this name and some truly wonderful things will begin to happen in your life---both for today and for every day that you live, throughout your lifetime, and in the world that is yet to come.
   So.  Does who you know matter?
   Most definitely!

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