Thursday, May 17, 2012


   What do you believe and why do you believe it?
   If you say you do not believe in God, you will:  all in the process of time.
   If you say you do not believe in the words of the Holy Bible, you will:  all in the process of time.
   If you say you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will:  all in the process of time.
   In the process of time, you will believe that the world will see a global government.
   In the process of time, you will believe in a world dictator.
   In the process of time, you will believe in a global government and with a global dictator known as Antichrist.
   In the process of time, you will believe in earthquakes of massive destruction, massive eruptions of volcanoes, and tidal waves larger than any generation of people has ever witnessed in all of human history.
   The world is not paying attention to changes that will change the global environment, in changes that will change the way the world is governed, and in changes that will result in the worship of one person on the face of the earth. 
   People of the world are preoccupied with their individual worlds of existence and not paying attention to changes that are about to change their individual worlds; for in slow and in subtle ways, evil people throughout the world are changing the way we perceive the world to be.
   By manipulation and by deception, the spiders are weaving their webs around people and people do not see the spiders.  People do not see the snares that people have set to trap us and to move us along in the same direction.
   The world we live in only appears to be the world we see.
   At present, we are waiting for a shoe to drop, and the shoe that drops will be a global castastrophy:  out of which Marshall Law will imposed in the United States as well as in nations around the world.
   This catastrophy could be a global economic meltdown, it could be a series of global earthquakes with massive destruction, or a series of global volcanic eruptions, and global tsunamis.  It could also be the assassination of a powerful political figure.  And it could also be a nuclear war.  Either way, a sudden change is coming to the entire world and the entire global arena will suddenly change.  This change will also be scary and terrifying.  People will feel hopeless and helpless, for their world will suddenly turn upside down. 
   If you say you do not believe in all of these future facts, you will:  in the process of time.
   The Word of the Lord has never been wrong and the future the Word of God has written will be absolutely correct and on time according to the timetable the Lord has written. 
   You can believe in Christ today and not experience the wrath of God that is coming in the near future.  People are praying that you will make this decision today.  Please do not wait and please do not linger.

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