Wednesday, September 25, 2013


   God is the source of all knowledge, for there is nothing known that God does not know.
   The universe is a creation from the mind of God, and if He chooses, He can do it again!
   Nothing escapes the attention of God, and His memory lasts forever.
   God knows everything that every human has done in his or her lifetime; therefore, God knows more about you than you know about yourself. 
   God knows every deed that every human has ever done:  those things done in light as well as those things done in darkness.
   God knows the minds of all the people in secret societies, and He knows all the secret plans they hatch in secret places.
   God is in control of every raindrop that falls upon the earth.  God is also in control of every storm, every hurricane, typhoon, flood, and earthquake.
   God knows every tree than has grown upon the earth, and He knows every leaf that has ever fallen to the ground.
   God knows about every living creature upon the earth, and He also knows the deaths of every creature.
   God knows every thought that you have ever had, every step you have taken, and every choice you have made in your lifetime; for when God created the universe, you were on His mind.  And therefore He knew the exact time when you would be born of a woman.
   Consequently, there is no place where you can hide from God. 
   God is love, and He created us to love us, and that we, by turning to His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, we will also love Him.
   God is not out to get us; for His intention is to save us. 
   Without God, we are as orphans; for even orphans, at certain ages, will seek to find their biological fathers.  And if we do not see God as our heavenly Father, then we will claim to belong to the devil.
   When faced with the decision to acknowledge Christ, or to reject Him, God knows the choice you will make.
   But do you?
   Without God, there is no love; for God is love.
   So then, what is the depth, width, and length of the knowledge of Christ?
      And there are many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.  Amen.  (John 21: 25)

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