Tuesday, September 3, 2013


   As long as you tell people what they like to hear and want to hear, you will have an abundance of friends; but if you tell people the truth, they will turn their faces.
   For there is something about the truth that reveals the truth that is in people; and when people are confronted with the truth, the truth that is in them will be written across their faces.
   If you stand up for truth, do not expect many people to stand up with you:  for you will truly be disappointed.
   It is easy to say, "God bless America," for many Americans have been taught to say this since they were children; but how many Americans truly believe that God has blessed America?
   It is easy to say, "In God We Trust," but how many people truly trust in God?
   A person's life is a storybook, and part of a person's life is revealed on his or her face.  Learn to read faces and you will be able to see some of the content of the storybook, for truth is revealed on the faces of people faster than they can speak.  But they will refuse to speak when they have secrets in the dark rooms of their storybook, which is truth not revealed.
   What is there about truth that people resist?
   People want to believe that they are right about everything while never wrong about anything.
   People do not want to believe that politicians will lie to them, nor that their friends will cheat while playing golf.
   Our perceptions of the world have been framed in our imaginations for so long that truth sounds like a lie or another conspiracy theory by a few wingnuts who have lost touch with reality; therefore, we can easily be deceived because of our own imaginations.
   People will reject truth faster and easier than they will accept truth.
   The leaderships of nations all over the world are in a state of dishonesty, and this nation or any nation will self-destruct when people cease from being honest; for we are deceiving ourselves by believing that things will get better, even when things are continuing to rot in front of our eyes.
   The New World Order is a system that is promising peace and prosperity to nations all over the world, when, in fact, it will be a system of global slavery.
   Jesus was crucified because He stood up for truth, and all of His friends were afraid to stand up with Him.  So it is with us:  when we stand up for truth, we should not expect many people to stand up with us.
   And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.  (Isaiah 53: 9)

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