Saturday, July 27, 2013


      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  (Hebrews 11: 1)

   Faith is invisible.
   By faith, you can believe in God; and by sight you can believe in religion.  But faith is not God, and neither is faith religion.  Therefore, you cannot share your faith:  you can only share the substance of your belief:  whether it be God, by faith, or whether it be religion, by sight.
   Neither is faith a building, a book, nor dogmas, doctrines, and philosophies:  for these things are visible.
   God is also invisible, but by faith you can believe in God, which is your evidence of things not seen. 
   Whereas religion is visible, and you do not need faith to believe in religion:  for your belief in religion is with your eyes and not with your heart.  As long as you can see your religion, you will believe in it; but if your religion should close its doors and cease to be, what would you do?
   By faith, you can believe that you can play golf; but if you never make an effort to play golf, you  never will:  and you can continue to believe that you can play golf all the days of your life.  To play golf, then you must put legs under your faith and initiate the process of making things happen.  But if you do not move forward by faith, your golf clubs will never move.
   By faith, Noah believed that God was sending a flood of water upon the earth at a time when rain had never fallen before. 
   By faith, Abraham left his country for a land that he had never seen.
   By faith, Moses believed that he was to lead the people of Israel out of bondage in the land of Egypt when he had never been a leader before.
   If you believe by faith that water baptism is for the remission of sins, then your faith is not in God, who is invisible.  For if water is sufficient for salvation, why were people, for thousands of years, not getting in line to be baptized until after Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem?  Water, therefore, cannot be crucified, so water cannot die for sins.
   For at first, water is in the form of an invisible gas; then it becomes visible in liquid form; then, as it evaporates, it becomes invisible gas.
   Jesus, at first was invisible, then He became visible by His birth; then He became invisible after His resurrection.  Jesus, therefore, is the water of heaven for salvation while water of the earth remains water of the earth; for water of the earth can do no more than it was created to do:  to water the earth!
   Consequently, water baptism for the remission of sins a hoax, a deception, and many people still believe in this lie by sight.  For if the water of the earth should disappear and never return, what would religious people do for salvation?
   By faith, Christians believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, even though we were not there that day in Bethlehem:  this is our evidence of things not seen.
   By faith, Christians believe that Jesus was crucified for our sins, even though we were not there that day in Jerusalem:  this is our evidence of things not seen.
   By faith, Christians believe that Jesus arose from death, even though we were not there to see the empty tomb:  this is our evidence of things not seen.
   And by faith, Christians believe that Jesus will come again, which is our evidence of things not seen.
   By faith, Christians tell the story of Jesus, and not the story of religion.

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