Friday, July 5, 2013


   False churches are the same as pagan temples, and the ministers and priests of false churches are pagan priests.
   The evidence of false churches is in plain sight, visible to the eyes---behind stained-glass windows and mixed with religious rites and rituals, burning incense and candles. 
   And the uniforms of pagan ministers and priests is part of their disguise, for they are masters of deception, doing their best to look and sound like holy men.
   Adam and Eve were deceived by their eyes in the garden of Eden, and so it is for people who enter the gates of false churches:  they are looking through blinded eyes. 
   Pagan priests are ministers of Satan, and their assignments are to convert people to Satan while appearing to be ministers of God. 
   For you see, people in false churches do not believe in Almighty God, Creator of the universe; they only believe in the god of their religion:  an abstract being who has been created in their imaginations.
   Neither do people in false churches believe in the Holy Bible because their pagan priests do not believe in the Holy Bible.  As such, people in false churches only believe as they are told to believe.
   In false churches, the people are puppets in the hands of pagan priests, just as the priests are puppets in the hands of Satan. 
  Because of the deception that reigns, the people in false churches do their best to act like Christians, just as their priests do their best to act like Christian priests.  Thus the people are trained to become professional hypocrites---without realizing or knowing they are no more than puppets on strings. 
   People in false churches cannot tell you about Almighty God, for they do not know Almighty God.  All they know is an abstract god of their imaginations. 
   Neither can people of false churches tell you about Christ because they do not know Christ.  All they know is an image, or an idol, of Christ. 
   To be honest with you, writing this story today is not easy; for I, too, was once a religious puppet, looking through blinded eyes.  But when I met Christ for the first time, when I submitted myself to Him for my salvation, I began to see with new eyes.  And for all that I have written today, I have experienced; and I do not want to experience it again!
   What, then, do these pagan priests in false churches do when their congregations leave the building?  They take off their robes, collect their paychecks, go home and watch television.

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