Beginning with Pope John Paul II in 1986 and continuing with Pope Benedict and Pope Francis, and through the ecumenical movement, religions of the world and more than three hundred Protestant denominations are now under the spiritual authority of the Vatican with Pope Francis at the head, who is now leading more than three billion people toward a world religion, or world church, that will rise up in Jerusalem by September 23, 2016.
What does this movement mean for traditional Catholics? Or has the Vatican informed its people throughout Catholicism that this change has been spearheaded by their own Popes? And are traditional Catholics prepared to accept and be included, or mixed together, with all religions from around the world?
Pope Francis has embraced Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, multitudes of others, including Voodoo, as well as religions that sacrifice the blood of live animals for their various gods.
Are traditional Catholics prepared to accept Allah and to be taught from the Koran of Islam?
Are traditional Catholics prepared to accept Buddah and Hinduism's three million gods, including Shiva, the Lord of the Dance, and Ganesh, the "God of Good Luck'?
Are traditional Catholics prepared to watch, and maybe participate, in the cutting of throats of animals to spill their blood on the altars of idols?
Are traditional Catholics prepared to accept "sacred music" from the four corners of the world to be part of worship for "the god of many names"?
Are traditional Catholics prepared to sit beside Muslims and Jews and Buddhists and witch doctors in the same pagan temples?
The same questions can be asked of traditional Protestants: is it worth leaving the Bible on church pews to go and follow Pope Francis?
In May of this year, Pope Francis likened Jesus to ISIS and said Muslims must breed with Europeans. Did the Pope just say that Jesus is a terrorist? And that the disciples of Christ are to be compared with the Islamic State conquering people for God in the same way that Islamists conquer people for Allah?
The important question facing traditional Catholics is this: Is the Pope Catholic?
The answer, of course, is NO!
Pope Francis has betrayed traditional Catholicism and deserted traditional Catholics by using Catholicism as the launching pad to create his own World Church, or World Religion, by proclaiming all religions as one.
Furthermore, now that Pope Francis is the spiritual head of Islam, this also means that he is the chief executive officer of the Islamic State.
Beyond this power, now that he is the head of Judaism, and when the Jews rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, Pope Francis will be there to welcome Antichrist, the false messiah: for Jesus will not return to the temple in Jerusalem.
At this point in human history, traditional Catholics and Protestants are facing a critical decision: will they continue their path to follow Pope Francis, or will they turn around and follow Christ? If they choose to remain with the Pope, their decision will have severe consequences---not only for themselves, but also for their children.
Yeshua HaMashiach: Jesus is Messiah.
"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42: 8)
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