Monday, December 28, 2015


   A man without God is no greater than a child without God, for a man without God will believe in the same myths and fairytales that he teaches his children to believe; for a man without God becomes a preacher of unrighteousness, beginning within his own family:  while his children, not knowing the difference between truth and lies, will follow the lies of their fathers to their graves while believing that they are believing truth.
  Without the knowledge of God, there is no knowledge of God in the minds of people.  Their minds are therefore ignorant of God, and the walls of their minds are blank, in respect to God, for no words of God have never been spoken in their ears, nor written in their hearts, and they remain as nomads of darkness:  for the only light they have known is the light of the sun, the light of the moon, and the light of the stars of the heavens.
      "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?
        and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?
        and how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10: 14)
   Without the knowledge of God, however, people will live their lives as if they are gods in their own minds, and they will believe according to their own sets of commandments:  writing their own laws as they journey through life---while teaching their children to do the same.
   Without the knowledge of God, the minds of adults remain as the minds of young children:  for even young children like those things they see with their eyes and hear with their ears.  So do many adults!  For they are gullible and easily influenced to believe by the simple persuasion of pleasant voices, especially if they believe they will be rewarded, or if their lives will be enhanced.  They live within their own set of commandments, and, if they incorporate any new teaching, they write amendments to their own constitutions while rejecting none of their previous entries, or endorsements.  Thus these changes are approved by themselves because of their self-ordained divinity.
   Without the knowledge of God, it is easier for people to believe in a person who is made in our own likeness, in the image of ourselves, which is a man; and if this man appears to be not from this world, but heavenly in nature---because of his saintly apparel, such as a priest's garments of flowing robes in shimmering white, and other garments of exotic colors from his celestial wardrobe---they will believe that he is surely a god among them, for his words sound like honeycomb falling from the heavens above.  For his very appearance looks god-like to them.
   Evil is always presented as something good and wonderful to people without the knowledge of God.  While not knowing that they lack the knowledge of God, they are easily persuaded by beautiful women, handsome men, as well as by distinguished gentlemen and ladies, highly educated and wealthy, and especially by those whom are considered to be from royal bloodlines, such as princes, kings, and queens, and even a godly line of kingdom priests:  to whom they incline their ears to the doctrines of these ministers and priests, for these are the upper crust of the world as gods dwelling among us even though their bodies are made from the same substance of our bodies, composed by flesh and bone, and born of women of the earth, who live and die, and are buried in the earth---for these, too, are made in our own image, in the likeness of men, just like you and me.  The only difference, however, is that these kingdom priests are believed to be born of human goddesses (virgins, no less!) which return to their goddess-like state after death, and whom are continually worshipped---generation, after generation, after generation---just like their male gods are continually worshipped.
   As such, people without the knowledge of God will not believe that God created the heavens and the earth, nor that He created all things living upon the earth, including the creation of humans.  Such information is nonsense to their ears, or alien to their understanding, for they have the spiritual minds of young children.  For they will believe they are being lied to by people with the knowledge of God, and that God is no more than a myth or a fairytale.  Just as they have tricked their own children to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, they have also been tricked by Satan to believe that God does not exist, but also tricked to believe that the Bible is no more than a collection of myth and fairytales!  Therefore, the trick is on them, which they do not know nor recognize, because their minds have been baptized in the deception of Satan.  Consequently, their minds are void of the knowledge of God. 
   Knowing, then, that carnal minds are void of the knowledge of God, they are also void of the love of God because of their rejection of the Son of God, Christ Jesus our Lord.  Rather than believing in God through Christ and thereby becoming recipients of God's eternal love, they will believe in anything and everything that is not of God to stand their ground in unbelief.
      "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.  He that believeth on him is not condemned:  but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3: 16-18)

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