Wednesday, December 23, 2015


    If I yield myself to a man of the earth, his mind will become my mind, his thoughts will become my thoughts, his ways will become my ways, and his conscience will become my conscience:  for that man, to me, has become my god.  I will covenant with him to do his will, to believe as he believes, to go where he says to go, to do as he says to do, and even to kill if he says to kill:  for that man, to me, is my god.
      "The thing that hath been is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be:  and there is no new thing under the sun."
                                             (Ecclesiastes 1: 9)
   Having a god complex is nothing new under the sun.  We are born with it, but it is also a masterful work of psychological reinforcement in the minds of people by the power that abides in darkness; for as people reject God, they will believe in just about anything and everything under the sun, especially if their minds remain as the minds of young children. 
   Just as easily as young children can be taught to believe in Santa Claus, they can also be taught to believe that a man of the earth is a god.  If that dogma gets to their minds while they are young, they will embrace it and cling to it all the days of their lives:  for that dogma, even though it is a lie, will be believed as truth because young children do not know the difference between truth and lies.  They are simply believing as they have been taught to believe, which is usually by the will of their parents since parents teach their children those things that they believe are truth, which can be a classical case of the blind leading the blind, because the parents have been blinded from the truth that is in Christ Jesus.
   The builders of empires throughout human history have been the works of evil men, self-consumed by this god complex.  Taking for themselves the thrones of governments and the thrones of religions, not only have they exalted themselves to be worshipped as gods, all of them have been men of war.   
   As haters of God, they are also haters of people because humans are created in the image of God.   
   Therefore, their diabolical objectives have all been the same, from one empire to the next, which is to kill people from the face of the earth as unwanted pests within their kingdoms because we, being made in God's image, have been the hunted of evil men for thousands of years.  Even now we are the hunted because the leaders of the world today are just as evil as the men who occupied their thrones before them.
   It is not our fault that evil men choose to be evil.  But what happens to people when they, in fact, submit themselves to these devilish creatures, when they bow to them as gods upon the earth?  And what happens to the children of parents when they have converted to men as gods?  Their children become like them---doing the will of their parents, but also doing the will of their human gods!  This is how entire families become haters of God, for they have submitted their souls as well as the souls of their own children by believing that they will be rewarded for their obedience to these evil men, whom they believe hold the keys to heaven and hell.
   The first creature to exhibit this god complex was, of course, Satan, which is described in the Bible:
      "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:  I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."     (Isaiah 14: 13-14)
   As humans, we are born with this god complex, which is easily seen and demonstrated in the lives of toddlers.  When they do not get their way, or get what they want, what do they do?  They get angry.  They stomp their feet.  They cry.  If this behavior goes uncorrected, the toddler will become a living terror as he grows older, for he is saying:  "I will!"  "I will!"  "I will!"
   Since we are born on earth and not in Heaven, all of us are born with this "I will!" characteristic, as demonstrated by the facts of our own behavior:
   ---I will to be the boss so I can be bossy;
   ---I will to be the boss of my home and my family;
   ---I will to be the chairperson of the parent-teacher association, or the sports committee;
   ---I will to be seen first, seated first, and served first;
   ---I will to sit on the boards of directors of banks, clubs, and civic organizations;
   ---I will to believe in my religion instead of believing in God;
   ---I will to confess my sins to a human priest instead of confessing my sins to God.
   The Bible clearly says, however,
      "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3: 23)
   But not me, right?  Why, surely I am not a sinner for my human god assured me that he forgave me!  So this Bible talk does not apply to the "I will" in me, for I have been granted a passageway to Heaven according to the dictates of men.  After all, we're going to the same place even though we arrive by different ways.  Right?
   Not so fast!
   As long as we exhibit this childlike "I will" behavior of the god complex, be assured that salvation through Christ will never be possible, no matter how long or how many times we try to find forgiveness of sin, in anything and everything, that is not of God.  For it is written:
      "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4: 6-7)

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