Wednesday, March 13, 2013


   Santa Claus produces a world of wishful thinking in the imaginations of children, and religion also produces a world of wishful thinking in the imaginations of children.
   To believe that all roads lead to Rome is also to believe that all religions lead to heaven:  neither of which is true, but people believe in both concepts nevertheless.
   Socialist Karl Marx believed that "religion is the opium of people".
   Karl Marx understood the power that religion has over people, he knew that religion is a form of mind control, and he understood that if you can control religion you can control the world:  so much so that he called religion opium, which is a drug; therefore, it is easy to understand that religion operates in the minds of people just like a drug. 
   As for believing in Santa Claus, children eventually grow up, they mature, and they stop believing in the childish nonsense of Santa Claus.
   Unlike Santa Claus, however, children of religion never grow up, they never mature, and they never stop believing in the childish nonsense of religion; instead, they remain as little children all the days of their lives.
   Religion is an institution, the place where converts become convicts
   In prison, people have lost their freedom; in religion, people have lost their freedom.
   Prisons are governed by men, and so are religions. 
   Prisons have laws, and so do religions. 
   In prisons, people with good behaviour are rewarded; in religions, people with good behaviour are rewarded.
   In prisons, people with bad behaviour are punished; in religions, people with bad behaviour are punished. 
   Prisons have the power to issue death sentences; so do religions. 
   In prisons, grace and mercy must be earned; in religions, grace and mercy must be earned.
   As easy as it is to persuade little minds to believe in Santa Claus, it is just as easy to persuade little minds to believe in religion---especially if little minds receive a steady injection of the opium of fear:  the fear of losing heaven, and also the fear of being sent to the pit. 
   Fear works.  Fear binds and ties the minds of little children in religious knots and they can easily become prisoners for life.
  Once inside the institution of religion, the doors are closed.  There are no windows.  Darkness prevails.  The walls are thick.  They are designed to prevent the Light of Christ from shining in darkness, to reach the hearts of the captives, and to set them free from the shackles of spiritual slavery to the gods and goddesses of the imaginations of unholy men who appear to be holy. 
   Religion is therefore the greatest institution of deception ever created out of the imaginations of sinful men, and the place where people abide in a world of wishful thinking:  the place where people follow the leader, and the leader is not Almighty God. 
      Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
   To know God, come out of religion---and close the door behind you.  For God will not enter the unholy world of man's religions. 

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