The institution of religion began in ancient Babylon under the leadership of Nimrod and his wicked mother, Semiramis, and all of the teachings that were introduced at the tower of Babel have remained religious practices throughout human history, even to this present day.
Let us begin with a practice that is common knowledge in the world today, which is infant baptism.
Infant baptism began in ancient Babylon when the priests of Baal washed babies before presenting them as human sacrifices on the altar of Baal, the sun god, and babies were burned alive. The people were told that this rite of baptism was for the salvation of the babies and that the babies would go to heaven.
Let us begin with a practice that is common knowledge in the world today, which is infant baptism.
Infant baptism began in ancient Babylon when the priests of Baal washed babies before presenting them as human sacrifices on the altar of Baal, the sun god, and babies were burned alive. The people were told that this rite of baptism was for the salvation of the babies and that the babies would go to heaven.
Today, people are told that infant baptism is for the salvation of the soul, and if people---even as adults---will submit themselves to baptism by water, their souls will be saved for heaven.
If we will honestly consider all of the evidence of ancient Babylon, we will clearly see and understand that the religion of Nimrod never went away, never vanished from the earth; instead, those practices have survived across thousands of years and remain in man's religions today, even within Christianity because of the power of Satan's deception.
Nimrod hated God and he also hated the people who believed in God. The Bible describes Nimrod as a "mighty hunter" because Nimrod was a hunter of people. He hunted people to enslave them in his system: not only to work for him, but also to convert their minds to his religion. Nimrod also hunted people to become human sacrifices: to be burned in the fire at the altar of Baal.
Nimrod introduced sun worship: that the sun is the giver of life, but also the father of heaven. And sun worship exists even today. When Nimrod died, his mother said Nimrod went to reign with his father, the sun. When Nimrod's mother gave birth to a baby boy, Tammuz, she also said that Tammuz was resurrected after his death to reign with his father, Nimrod, along with the sun, thereby creating an unholy trinity with father, son, and son of god.
When Semiramis died, she became the moon goddess along with the title "mother of god and queen of heaven". And now with the sun god, her son Tammuz, and herself, another unholy trinity was invented---as Nimrod became virtually forgotten.
Centuries later, however, all of the religious elements of ancient Babylon arose again in Rome within a new religion, Roman Catholicism. But Catholicism was nothing new: it was a reincarnation of something old from ancient Babylon with a new name and in a new place, for it only appeared to be something new: just as infant baptism was reintroduced as if it was something new.
In ancient Babylon, Satan was given a place in which to hide in the Babylonian religious system, and the priests of Baal, in reality, were the priests of Satan. Satan wants adults and babies to die, and the priests of Baal killed adults, children, and babies.
If we will honestly consider all of the evidence of ancient Babylon, we will clearly see and understand that the religion of Nimrod never went away, never vanished from the earth; instead, those practices have survived across thousands of years and remain in man's religions today, even within Christianity because of the power of Satan's deception.
Nimrod hated God and he also hated the people who believed in God. The Bible describes Nimrod as a "mighty hunter" because Nimrod was a hunter of people. He hunted people to enslave them in his system: not only to work for him, but also to convert their minds to his religion. Nimrod also hunted people to become human sacrifices: to be burned in the fire at the altar of Baal.
Nimrod introduced sun worship: that the sun is the giver of life, but also the father of heaven. And sun worship exists even today. When Nimrod died, his mother said Nimrod went to reign with his father, the sun. When Nimrod's mother gave birth to a baby boy, Tammuz, she also said that Tammuz was resurrected after his death to reign with his father, Nimrod, along with the sun, thereby creating an unholy trinity with father, son, and son of god.
When Semiramis died, she became the moon goddess along with the title "mother of god and queen of heaven". And now with the sun god, her son Tammuz, and herself, another unholy trinity was invented---as Nimrod became virtually forgotten.
Centuries later, however, all of the religious elements of ancient Babylon arose again in Rome within a new religion, Roman Catholicism. But Catholicism was nothing new: it was a reincarnation of something old from ancient Babylon with a new name and in a new place, for it only appeared to be something new: just as infant baptism was reintroduced as if it was something new.
In ancient Babylon, Satan was given a place in which to hide in the Babylonian religious system, and the priests of Baal, in reality, were the priests of Satan. Satan wants adults and babies to die, and the priests of Baal killed adults, children, and babies.
Thus, the popes of Rome became as Nimrod---hunters of people throughout the provinces of the Roman Empire. They hunted people to enslave them in Rome's religious system and to convert the minds of people to Roman Catholicism, thereby making people slaves to religion. As for the people who refused to believe in this Roman way, however, they were considered to be infidels, which meant they must die, just as Nimrod killed people in ancient Babylon.
Hiding behind the banner of Christianity, the Catholic Church emerged as an institution for the confusion of nations: teaching people that they must be Catholic in order to be Christain; teaching infant baptism; teaching that priests can forgive sins; and incorporating witchcraft and sorcery as methods of casting spells on the minds of people. Thus the Catholic Church, just like Babylon, became a snare in which to trap people and to hold them captive all the days of their lives---until the day they died---without ever knowing the truth of Jesus Christ; for even Jesus became part of the disguise of pagan Catholicism. And the pope, like Nimrod, became a god-man.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pears, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
The blueprint of modern Babylon was written by Nimrod, his mother, and the priests of Baal at the tower of Babel in ancient Babylon, which is Satanism.
Today, we are surrounded and engulfed in these Satanic rites and rituals throughout the world. But because of the grace of God, the Lord gives us a plea:
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18: 4)
Hiding behind the banner of Christianity, the Catholic Church emerged as an institution for the confusion of nations: teaching people that they must be Catholic in order to be Christain; teaching infant baptism; teaching that priests can forgive sins; and incorporating witchcraft and sorcery as methods of casting spells on the minds of people. Thus the Catholic Church, just like Babylon, became a snare in which to trap people and to hold them captive all the days of their lives---until the day they died---without ever knowing the truth of Jesus Christ; for even Jesus became part of the disguise of pagan Catholicism. And the pope, like Nimrod, became a god-man.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pears, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
The blueprint of modern Babylon was written by Nimrod, his mother, and the priests of Baal at the tower of Babel in ancient Babylon, which is Satanism.
Today, we are surrounded and engulfed in these Satanic rites and rituals throughout the world. But because of the grace of God, the Lord gives us a plea:
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18: 4)
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