Tuesday, January 15, 2013


   Anger is the chief element of pride, but two others parts of pride are prejudice and perfection.
   Prideful people have a current of anger just below the skin level.  They may not always exhibit their anger, however, because this would jeopardize the perfect image they present of themselves in the presence of others.
   Prideful people want others to believe that they are perfect in all of their ways:   the perfect marriage, the perfect education, perfect children, perfect home, perfect clothes, perfect everything else, up to and including a perfect religion. 
   Prideful people are therefore perfect hypocrites because the image they project of themselves in the presence of others is not how they exist within their own minds.
   Prideful people do not admit mistakes, do not admit weaknesses, and they cannot admit they are sinners because---in their own minds---they are sinless, which is why they are perfect; and because of their perfect religion, they have the perfect solution just in case they would happen to have a little bit of sin. 
   Neither can the prideful be taught anything new because they know all they need to know from their perfect minds; consequently, no one else can teach them anything new because they really do not want or need any help from others.  Asking for help is beneath their dignity.  Taking music lessons or golf lessons, for example, is a total waste of time and money, for they do not need or want lessons from others:  for in their own minds they have no weaknesses, or no need for improvement.  They can do it all by themselves, thank you very much!
   Just beneath the skin line of prideful people, a river of anger flows.  Push their button just a tad and you will see a change in their facial expressions.  Disagree with them on issues and the fuel of their words will produce a bit of smoke.  Tell them they are totally wrong and their words will become flames of darts and daggers.  But only for a short time will they exhibit anger because this would damage their image of perfection.  In their own minds, you are not supposed to disagree with them.  You are not supposed to challenge them on issues or subjects of discussion.  For in their own minds, they are always right about everything, never wrong.
   The prideful will not always show anger in the presence of all people because they have a limit to their relationships with others because they have a short list of "friends".  The fewer people they know, the fewer chances others will see them as they really are.
   Traveling with prideful people is also their prejudice
   They have racial prejudice because they believe their race is superior to all races of people.
   They have social prejudice because they consider themselves to be a social class unto themselves.
   They have religious prejudice because they believe their religion is the only true religion on the face of the earth.
   They have family prejudice because their family is the only important family on earth.
   Jesus said, Beware of hypocrites and vipers.  Jesus also said, Beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing.
   Therefore, because prideful people are fueled with anger, with prejudice, and with perfection, they are just like their daddy, Lucifer.  They are hypocrites and vipers.  They are also wolves in sheeps' clothing.  And they are deceived in their own pride. 
   Unless prideful people become humble before Almight God, and confess to Him that they are sinners, they will continue to live their lives in all of their prideful ways; and, just like Lucifer, they will experience a great fall.

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