Thursday, January 17, 2013


      And be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.  (Romans 12: 2)

   The world turns on religion, money, music, and politics.
   Therefore, if you could control the religion, you could control the world; if you could control the music, you could control the world; if you could control the money, you could control the world; you could control the world:  for all four are universal languages.
   Religion is like the game of Monopoly, which includes a get-out-of-jail-free card!  Religion is based on what you do, and, if you work the game of religion---according to its laws, rules, and regulations, rites and rituals---you will do well and earn favors of the gods. 
   Attending worship at a house of religion is like going to work.  As your work ethic improves, your labor will be noted by your elders, ministers, or priests, which could lead to your promotion to a higher level of recognition or achievement, a pat on the back, or perhaps an "Atta Boy!"  Now you are something special and others will look up to you.  They may even want your picture in the newsletter, which will be posted on the internet, and now the whole world will know just how wonderful you are! 
   Here, let us be honest and believe that Satan is the god of this world system in which we live.
   Satan is the god of money, the god of religion, the god of music, and the god of politics.
   Satan is also the god of rebellion, envy, jealousy, strife, contention, bitterness, hopelessness and helplessness, hatred, theft, hypocrisy, and even the god of murder.
   Satan is the god of drugs, sex, women and child abuse, pedophilia, prostitution, pornography, and human sacrifices.
   Satan is the god of empires and enslavement; therefore, people become slaves of money, slaves of religion, slaves of music, slaves of politics:  as well as slaves of rebellion, envy, jealousy, contention, bitterness, hopelessness and helplessness, hatred, theft, lies, deceit, and also slaves of murder. 
   Whereas, if you express your faith in Almighty God today, you are strange in this world system.
   If you express your faith in Christ for your salvation, you are strange.
   If you express your faith in the Holy Bible, you are strange.
   In this world system, you do not fit.  You are different.  You do not belong.  People will laugh at you and turn their backs on you.  They will call you names, such as "religious fanatic" or "Bible thumper".  You will not be welcome, even among your old friends, but also among some of your own family members.  Even people of some Christian churches or Christian religions will find fault with you for going too far with Christ. 
   Believe, however, that Jesus knows how you feel:  the Lord did not fit this world system, either.  He was odd.  He was different.  He did not belong.  People called Him names.  People turned their backs on Him.  He was treated as an outlaw.  In all of His innocense, the Lord was crucified.
   Please know that we, like Christ, must endure some hardships that are not comfortable.  We must experience some pain for having our faith in Him.  We must accept criticism for taking a stand for the Lord.  Know that we must suffer for Him just as He suffered for us.  We are in a battle, and we are in a war.  But we have won because Christ fights our battles for us!
   The world turns by the god of money, religion, music, and politics, as well as all other gods as mentioned above; but because of our faith in Christ, we have the power to put backspin on the ball and not believe the world!

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