Wednesday, November 28, 2012


   O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.  (Matthew 12: 34)

   What is the abundance of your heart?  Your talking points are out of the abundance of your heart. 
   Let me share with you the abundance of my heart today:
   There is an evil that is arising in the United States that this nation has never seen before, and this same evil is arising in nations all over the world.  It is the evil of the worst kind.  It is a spiritual evil, not seen with human eyes, but clearly seen and understood by people who have been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ; for without a confession to Almighty God and an admission to Him that we are sinners, people will not believe in this evil that is arising.  For without repentance to God, it is impossible for us to be totally honest.  But when we get honest with God, then we will be honest with others, and we will be honest with ourselves; for then we will be able to admit our faults and our failures.  And only the Holy Spirit of Almighty God can reveal this truth to individuals.
   This evil that is arising is the religion of Satanism---in the United States and in all nations around the world.  It is the worship and adoration of the Prince of darkness, the devil, the one who deceived Adam and Eve.
   Jesus warned us to beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7: 15)
   Who, then, are these false prophets in the world today?  They abide in three dominate arenas:
   First, false prophets exist in religions that do not include the worship of Almighty God, including counterfeit Christian churches and counterfeit Christian religions.  While they may look good and sound good, look holy and sound holy, they are not.
   Secondly, false prophets exist in human governments all over the world.
   Thirdly, false prophets exist in rock music.
   While these three appear to be independent and separate from each other, they are not.  For the false prophets in these three organizations are on the same team:  they are from the same hive, and they get their honey from the same jar.  The only difference in their appearance is their platforms of performance and their uniforms, which is their clothing.  For inwardly they are scorpions and their tails sting with deadly venom.  Their purpose is the same:  to erase the knowledge of God from the minds of people and to destroy Christianity.
   Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (I Timothy 4: 1-2)
   For if God did not exist, there would be no reason to erase the knowledge of God from the minds of people, would there?
   And if Christ were still dead, there would be no reason to destroy Christianity, would there? 
   As stated before, we are engaged in a great war:  a war we do not see with our eyes, nor hear with our ears:  but it is a spiritual war that is raging from the evil mind of Satan, through the false prophets, to prevent people from knowing Christ and from being saved from their sins. 
   These false prophets are dangerous people.  They are out to get you, to get your children, and to get your grand-children in order to take souls to hell for their god, Lucifer.  These false prophets are ministers of Satan and they are dispensing doctrines of devils.
   Jesus called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and vipers.  These false prophets today are of the same mind of the scribes and Pharisees:  hypocrites and vipers.  They were out to get Christ and to crucify the Lord, and they are out to get us.  But Christ did not remain dead!
   As Jesus said, O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?
   You have read truth today.  May God give you grace and understanding by the Holy Spirit. 

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