Friday, November 30, 2012


   When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child:  but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  (I Corinthians 11: 13)

   As stated previously, we live in a world that is under the control of a global mafia:  a network of evil people in the unseen world of secret societies.  These are the puppet masters, and the people we see on the stages of the world are merely their puppets, doing their biding, and promoting their cause, which is to rule the world.
   For you see the people of secret societies believe that they are empowered and entitled to rule over people because of their blood lines.  Therefore, the people of secret societies have control over our lives, which we do not even realize, because of their power to deceive. 
   Secret societies today control religion, politics, entertainment, business, banking, financing, education, militaries, science, and medicine. 
   Entertainment is the distraction.  It is a multi-billion dollar industry and its financial wells never run dry.  They created an appetite in people for entertainment and people hunger and thirst for more and more entertainment.  For no matter how bad the bad times are, we still manage to have the money for entertainment:  movies, musical concerts, and sporting events. 
   Entertainment helps us to get over a bad day at the office.  It helps us to forget about our troubles and our woes.  It helps us to not focus on the real issues of this world, but rather to accept the false premise that things aren't really as bad as some people believe.
   By the power that abides in the arena of entertainment, we tend to think of the entertainers as kings and queens, and even as gods and goddessess.  As such, they can do no wrong.  In our minds, we have elevated them to the position of sex gods and sex goddesses, and they are heroes without sin.  Of course this is what the global elite want us to do, for entertainment is the distraction---the false flag; for as we focus on these kings and queens, gods and goddesses of entertainment, we are not paying attention to the change that is taking place in government and in religion.  So grab a soda and a bag of popcorn and relax---your government is taking care of you.
   Over the past fifty years, the knowledge of God has been erased from the minds of millions of Americans.  How did they do that?
   Over the past fifty years, Jesus has been evicted from thousands of Christian churches where He was once King of kings and Lord of lords.  How did they do that? 
   Over the past fifty years, Satanism has become the fastest-growing religion in the United States.  How did they do that?
   If you were God sitting in heaven and, as you look down on people of the earth, committing all sorts of evil acts, what would you do?
   If you were God and you sent your only begotten Son to die for the sins of people, and you see your Son's name used as no more than a sware word, how would you feel about that?
   If you were God and you watch as people worship Satan instead of you as Almighty God, Creator of the universe, what would you do about that?
   When your own children disobey you long enough, and when you have warned them many times to stop their activities, do you not rise up and do something about it?  You will---if you love them; but if you do not love them, you will allow their rebellious behaviors to continue.
   If you were God and after centuries of sending prophets, preachers, and ministers to tell the world about your eternal love, yet the people you created want nothing to do with you, what would you do about it?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


   O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.  (Matthew 12: 34)

   What is the abundance of your heart?  Your talking points are out of the abundance of your heart. 
   Let me share with you the abundance of my heart today:
   There is an evil that is arising in the United States that this nation has never seen before, and this same evil is arising in nations all over the world.  It is the evil of the worst kind.  It is a spiritual evil, not seen with human eyes, but clearly seen and understood by people who have been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ; for without a confession to Almighty God and an admission to Him that we are sinners, people will not believe in this evil that is arising.  For without repentance to God, it is impossible for us to be totally honest.  But when we get honest with God, then we will be honest with others, and we will be honest with ourselves; for then we will be able to admit our faults and our failures.  And only the Holy Spirit of Almighty God can reveal this truth to individuals.
   This evil that is arising is the religion of Satanism---in the United States and in all nations around the world.  It is the worship and adoration of the Prince of darkness, the devil, the one who deceived Adam and Eve.
   Jesus warned us to beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7: 15)
   Who, then, are these false prophets in the world today?  They abide in three dominate arenas:
   First, false prophets exist in religions that do not include the worship of Almighty God, including counterfeit Christian churches and counterfeit Christian religions.  While they may look good and sound good, look holy and sound holy, they are not.
   Secondly, false prophets exist in human governments all over the world.
   Thirdly, false prophets exist in rock music.
   While these three appear to be independent and separate from each other, they are not.  For the false prophets in these three organizations are on the same team:  they are from the same hive, and they get their honey from the same jar.  The only difference in their appearance is their platforms of performance and their uniforms, which is their clothing.  For inwardly they are scorpions and their tails sting with deadly venom.  Their purpose is the same:  to erase the knowledge of God from the minds of people and to destroy Christianity.
   Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (I Timothy 4: 1-2)
   For if God did not exist, there would be no reason to erase the knowledge of God from the minds of people, would there?
   And if Christ were still dead, there would be no reason to destroy Christianity, would there? 
   As stated before, we are engaged in a great war:  a war we do not see with our eyes, nor hear with our ears:  but it is a spiritual war that is raging from the evil mind of Satan, through the false prophets, to prevent people from knowing Christ and from being saved from their sins. 
   These false prophets are dangerous people.  They are out to get you, to get your children, and to get your grand-children in order to take souls to hell for their god, Lucifer.  These false prophets are ministers of Satan and they are dispensing doctrines of devils.
   Jesus called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and vipers.  These false prophets today are of the same mind of the scribes and Pharisees:  hypocrites and vipers.  They were out to get Christ and to crucify the Lord, and they are out to get us.  But Christ did not remain dead!
   As Jesus said, O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?
   You have read truth today.  May God give you grace and understanding by the Holy Spirit. 

Monday, November 26, 2012


If I could speak with the tongue of an angel,
   I would still be me and not another;
and God would still be God even if I did not exist.

If I could speak with the voices of a thousand tongues,
   I would still be me and not another;
and God would still be God even if I did not exist.

If I could contain all wisdom and all knowledge,
   I would still be me and not another;
and God would still be God even if I did not exist.

If I should never write again, nor speak, nor sing,
   I would still be me and not another;
and God would still be God even if I did not exist.

Who am I, then, who should write, or speak, or sing of Him,
   who would still be God even if I did not exist?

If God had never created the earth,
   nor the sky, nor the heavens above the sky,
God would still be God
   even if He had never created
   that which we stand on, nor see above.

Who am I, then, who is no more than a speck
   in the universe of God's creation?
For God is still God
   even if I had no knowedge of Him,
and even if I
   could neither write, or speak, or sing of Him.

I am only me because of Him
   and without Him
I would not be me.

And no matter:
   though I am no bigger than a dot in the universe,
God knows me
   and He knows my name.


    To understand the cult religion of rock music, you must go behind the scenes and do some research, invest some time in studying the people of rock music, or else you will be totally ignorant of the deception of this dreadful, evil form of entertainment we call rock music. 
    To begin, take a look at the artists of rock music:   the writers, singers, and musicians.  Take a look at their lives and their lifestyles.  Take a look at their personal beliefs.  Pay attention to what they are not saying as much as that which they are saying publicly.  Then take a look at the people behind the writers, singers, and musicians, who are the managers of the performers.  And next, take a look at the people behind the managers and you will find people whom you do not see and will never know.
   Is this a mystery?  Yes.  For rock music is an invisible disguise of a mystery religion, a religion that has been hidden for centuries, but a religion that is now coming out of the darkness and into the light, for the people have become very proud, and, because of pride, they are no longer ashamed nor bashful about their membership in this occultic religion.
   On the day when Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem, the Lord said to His captors in the early morning hours of the day:  this is your hour, and the powers of darkness.
   Rock music is part of the powers of darkness, for all the people involved in rock music are agents of the Prince of darkness, who is Satan.  This could be difficult to believe and even more difficult to understand; for if you believe that rock music is innocent, or that it is nothing more than something to tap your foot to the beat, or to dance to, you have been deceived.
   Music is an invisible line of communication, and all music has a message from its author, no matter the genre:  from classical to country, from folk, or reggae, or jazz, or hip hop, bluegrass, or from Gospel to Contemporary Christian music, all music has a message from its author, with or without lyrics.  This does not mean, however, that all music is about the Prince of darkness.
   Behind the scenes of rock music are the puppet masters:  people from the occultic, secret societies of Freemasony and the Illuminati.  They are Satanists.  By their influence of money and fame, they attract young and talented people to the world of rock music, and, because they are idol makers, they transform the minds of singers, writers, and musicians to the dark world of Satanism. 
   "Christianity doesn't fit in my life.  Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink.  I needn't argue about that.  I'm right and I'll prove it."---John Lennon, 1963.
   Over the past fifty years, have you ever heard at least one rock music performer or group speak one positive word about Almighty God, Creator of the universe?
   Over the past fifty years, have you ever heard at least one rock music performer or group speak one positive word about Jesus Christ, Savior of the world?
   No!  And you will never hear that from the world of rock music because people can not worship Almighty God and also worship Satan; for people can not serve two masters.
   Deep within this evil world of rock music as well as within occultic religions---even to include some so called Christian religions---is witchcraft:  and the priests of occultic religions as well as so called Christian religions have the power to cast evil spells on their congregations.  The priests of Satan in rock music also have the power to cast evil spells on their congregations in concerts.  This is the red danger zone of Satanism:  for once people are under these evil spells they become members for life.  For the goal of Satanists is to erase the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ from the minds of people in the United States as well as in nations all around the world. 
   Be sure and know, however, that when Christ returns the Lord will abolish the works of Satan and all of the devil's evil.  Listen to the words of Christ, please:
   And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus will violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.  And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in theee; and no craftsman of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.  And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.  (Revelation 18: 21-24)

Saturday, November 24, 2012


   For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  (I Thessalonians 5: 3)

   You have nothing to be overly concerned about today, right?
   You need a job or you would like to have a better job, and you know that either will happen in the course of time.  Just keep filling out job applications, keep waiting, keep living on unemployment benefits, and things will get better.  Right?
   Unemployment is high in the United States as well as in other nations, but you believe the people in the United States government, in Federal Reserve, in the European Union, etc., will fix everything.
   Companies in the United States are going out of business, but you believe the people in government will fix everything, that companies will re-open their doors, and that jobs will be restored.  Right?
   The earth is presently going through a few spasms with destructive storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, earthquakes, but the earth does this periodically as a way of cleansing itself, and therefore you have nothing to be concerned about.
   You totally trust all of the people you see on television, the people of politics, religion, and entertainment, and all of them are really nice people, aren't they? 
   Then there is that strange crowd of religious nuts and Jesus freaks, talking about all that doomsday stuff, about something as silly as a global government and a world dictator.  That just can't happen, can it? 
   For example, the people of Germany had nothing to fear about a little man by the name of Adolph Hitler, did they?  After all, he had virtually no education, no career path in his mind, and he was nothing more than a street punk, going from place to place to find a group where he could get in and fit in.  He should have gone to Hollywood, being that he was a natural actor; for he was able to use his personality and convince a nation to take up the sword and kill undesirable people and even to declare war against the mighty United States of America!  Even the Pope (what was his name?) and Prescott Bush liked Hitler and the Nazi Party.  Imagine that!
   Have you ever noticed how certain people, at certain times, can come from out of nowhere---with little education, little training, with no career paths in their minds---and suddenly and unexpectedly explode upon the stage of the world and become international stars and celebrities?  And masses of people believe in them as if they are gods?  And how people actually weep in their presence? 
   On a silent night in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, the Son of God came into this world and the world was sleeping.  And they cruicified Jesus for telling the truth. 
   Today, prepare your mind for something that will suddenly happen in the future. But don't worry:  be happy.  Government and religion are going to fix everything, right?  So go back to watching television, read another book to your children and grandchildren, and tell them not to believe in a few of those born again Christians and Bible thumpers. 
   Government and religion are going to raise up a man greater than Adolph Hitler, that's all. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


   You do not need a religion to believe in God:  all you need is faith.
   For centuries and even for thousands of years, however, adults have done a wonderful job of creating religions as well as teaching children religion.
   The world today has a smorgasbord of religions from which to choose, and the table is quite impressive!  You can, in fact, have a religion for this, one for that, and another for something else.  The one you pick from the menu is the one you are hungry for, or it could be a new dish you want to try to see how it feels or fits, which is what people do when they shop for a new pair of shoes.     
  Usually, however, people keep going to the table with the religion they were taught as children.  In other words, they keep wearing the same pair of shoes.
   At the smorgasbord of religion, did you happen to see Almighty God on the menu? 
   Is there something about God that gives people heartburn?  Or do they think that choosing God will give them a serious case of indigestion, like a food that will keep them awake at night, depriving them of sleep?
   Do people tell others about God, or do they tell others about religion?
   Is your relationship with God, or is your relationship with religion? 
   Which do you talk about? 
   And whom do people say that you are?
   At the smorgasbord of religion, the menu never changes.  The taste is always the same.  The chef keeps serving the same food, which is killing people.  And the chef, of course, is Satan, the god of deception and illusion, and his kitchen is always hot.
   Almighty God has empowered you with the freedom to make decisions.  You have the right to choose Christ and live, but you also have the right:  to remain silent. 
   As stated, you do not need a religion to believe in God:  all you need is faith.
   Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  (Hebrews 11: 1)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


   Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.  And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.  (II Timothy 2: 15, 19)

   If you will look at this present world through the pages of the Holy Bible, you will see with new eyes.  You will see that the current events that we are witnesses to were proclaimed in the prophecies of the Holy Bible centuries ago.
   Judas Iscariot wore a mask:  to conceal the intention of his evil heart.
   The scribes and Pharisees wore masks:  to conceal the intention of their evil hearts.
   So it is today:  the Judas Iscariots of this world wear masks:  to conceal the intention of their evil hearts.  
   Furthermore, the majority of the politicians and priests of today are wearing masks:  to conceal the intention of their evil hearts.
   People in the entertainment world---actors and actresses, singers and musicians of music---are wearing masks:  to conceal the intention of their evil hearts.
   This present world system we live in is against God as well as against Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by people wearing masks:  to conceal the intention of their evil hearts. 
   The enemies of Christ wear masks because they do not want others to know of their secret intention; therefore, they are hypocrites and vipers.
   Hypocrites:  because they are pretending to represent someone they actually hate within their hearts;
   Vipers:  because their identity is with Satan, known better as the Serpent; therefore, they are snake people just like their father, Satan. 
   As snakes, they hide in the darkness of their secret societies to plan their secret deeds in order to deceive masses of people; and when they appear in public places, they change their personas to appear to be trustworthy:  just like Judas Iscariot. 
   The New World Order that these secretive people are planning is actually a new habitat for humanity:  a socially engineered structure of people who will become slaves of the global dictator who will arise upon the earth.  To accomplish this goal, the freedom of people must be destroyed.  The freedom of people in the United States and other free nations must be destroyed.  And people who resist and revolt against this New World Order will be killed, murdered, and even beheaded.
   The New World Order has its focus on Jerusalem, which will become the capital city of the world; for it will be in Jerusalem where the global dictator will sit down in the temple that Israel will build and declare himself to be Almighty God.  This man is Antichrist.  This Antichrist will be Satan incarnate. 
   As stated, if you will look at this present world through the pages of the Holy Bible, you will see with new eyes.  You will see that the prophecies of the Holy Bible are true.  And you will see that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Messiah.  You will also see that the Lord can save you from your sins today and therefore escape the wrath of God which is coming upon this earth. 
   That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  (Romans 10: 9)

Monday, November 19, 2012


  Delusions of grandeur:  a belief that is either false, fanciful, or derived from deception; an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary; producing a state of mind that is only in the imaginations of people.
 Faith in religion is an illusion built in the minds of people, usually beginning with children.
 Using paperdolls, crayons, and coloring books, religion is sown in the minds of people with images that appear to be real, even though they are not real, for they are merely images.  The images, planted in the imaginations of people, become idols of worship:  and the carriers of these images take their idols with them wherever they go. 
   The idols are also given names to make it appear that they are real even though they are from the pages of mythology:  straight from the imaginations of other people, for these idols have never had a real existence in the physical world; for religious idols have never lived. 
   Religion is therefore a method of mind control:  a system of belief that is designed to block a person's mind from the truth about Almighty God, Creator of the universe.
   A priest of a religion is simply a priest of a religion:  he is not a priest of Almighty God.  The priest is presenting the illusion that he is either a priest of Almighty God, or the illusion that he is holy; but people with religious minds will believe that the priest is either holy or a priest of Almighty God, or perhaps both. 
   For if people believe that idols are gods, they will also believe that a priest of a religion is holy.
   Such a system is not a system by faith, but rather a system of sight and of imagination. 
   Going further, people can also become idols in the minds of others, such as people of religion, politics, and from the entertainment world of television, movies, and music.  Sports heroes and military heroes can become idols.  As such, people idols are worshipped and adored as gods, for they are bigger in the imaginations of others than mere mortals as normal people: and their presence can invoke screams and tears from weeping.   And when these idols die, they are enshrined in the temples of the gods. 
   How, then, can people believe in Christ by faith when their minds have filled by a world of fantasy and make-believe?  For the world system we live in today is about mind control by the work of illusionists.  These people are teachers from the occult world of religion, politics, and entertainment, and they know exactly what they are doing:  they are directing the minds of people away from God.
   Satan is the god of deception and his messengers are masters of deception and illusion:  coloring a world of fantasy and make-believe in the minds of adults, teenagers, and children through the systems that we see with our eyes:  religion, politics, movies, and rock music.  Such people are Satanists.
   But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  (II Corinthians 4: 4)
   Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  (II Corinthians 6: 17)

Friday, November 16, 2012


   Illusion:  a distortion of the senses; a distortion of perceptions; a distortion of reality; something that appears to be real even though it is false.

   The disciples of Christ were both stunned and shocked when they learned that the traitor of Jesus was Judas Iscariot. 
   For three and half years, Judas kept his true identity hidden.  To the other eleven, Judas was trustworty, for he carried the disciples' money bag.
   The person most likely to deceive you today is the person you know very well.  Someone, perhaps, that you have known for decades.  Someone you would never believe could be a deceiver.  Someone who is a good-deed-doer, always lending a helping hand, well respected in his community, in his family, in his own church, and someone who could be the treasurer of a group, or a president of finance. 
   Judas Iscariot never had much to say because he did not want to draw attention to himself.  He was like a sheeple:  he went along with the group, doing whatever the group did.  He never had issues with government, nor with religion; for Judas had but one issue in life, which was his love for money.
   In the darkness of the night, Judas met with members of an occultic, secret society, and agreed to accept their offer of thirty pieces of silver to be the point man, who would lead them to the garden to identify Jesus, whom they captured and later crucified. 
   In looking to the future, the Antichrist will be a man just like Judas Iscariot:  a master of deception and disguise---an illusion of his ambition.
    Is it possible to assume that Antichrist is a person disconnected to both religion and politics?   But a person well known, liked, and trusted all over the world?  Someone who is spit-shinned, polished, and who presently has a persona of total innocense?  And someone who has the appeal to draw large masses of people wherever he goes?  Someone least expected to be the evil Antichrist?  For when Antichrist appears, people all over the world will worship him!  Surely people will not worship a stranger, will they?  He will be trustworthy, just like Judas Iscariot.  He will be liked, adored, and loved by people all over the world.
   Would you believe in a total stranger? 
   If you believe in people of this world, you will be disappointed, for you are living under an illusion.
   The New World Order that is coming upon the earth is an illusion, and not a New Utopia. 
   Please remember:  Antichrist (the false messiah) will arise to kill people and to lead people to hell; for he is not coming to bring peace on earth:  this, too, is an illusion. 
   Antichrist is being brought into this world from the evil minds of people in occultic, secret societies, which are same people who crucified Christ. 
   This is the reason why faith in Christ is a matter of eternal importance:
   Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:  for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.  (Genesis 20: 3-6)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


    Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:   Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.  For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.  (Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14)

   As always, you are invited to do your own research, your own study, and therefore arrive at your own conclusions and make your own decisions. 
   To me, the three most powerful and influential people in the world today are these:
   1.  Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church;
   2.  Barack Obama, President of the United States;
   3.  Sir Paul McCartney, singer/songwriter/musician.
   These three gentlemen share a common ground:
   Not one of them is a prophet of God.
   Not one of them believes in God Almighty, Creator of the universe.
   Not one of them believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior for their sins.
   Not one of them believes in the Holy Bible, the Word of the Lord.
   Not one of them bows to Almighty God, nor submits to Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords.
   Therefore, not one of them is a true Christian according to the Biblical definition as written in John 3:3, which says, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
   Billions of people upon the earth will follow either one of these three men wherever they go, wherever they lead, and in whatever words they speak. 
   Today, we are living in the most deceptive and evil time that the world has witnessed since the time of Noah and the Great Flood.  As it is written, The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.  (Genesis 6: 11)
   Today, the earth is corrupt before God and the earth is filled with violence.  People want world peace without God, and that is impossible!  For as people are speaking peace, peace:  corruption and violence continue to escalate.
   The minds of people today are corrupted and violent because of man's religion, man's politics, and man's music, thereby producing a world without God. 
   These three men and millions of others are leading the world to accept the New World Order and to welcome Antichrist.
   Whom are you going to follow? 
   God destroyed the earth once, because of corruption and violence, and He will do it again.
   Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.

Monday, November 12, 2012


   Events that happen in our lives are not accidents, nor are they coincidences; for God is in control of everything that happens in this world and in the lives of all people.  A good rule of thumb, therefore, is to ask a question when things happen:  What is God saying?
   On October 28, 2012, a 7.7 earthquake happened at Queen Charlotte Islands, British Colombia, and, since that date, more than one hundred earthquakes have hit Queen Charlotte Islands. 
   What is God saying?  What is the Lord doing to draw our attention to Queen Charlotte Islands?
   The Queen Charlotte Fault is the equivalent of the San Andreas Fault!
   The Haida Gwaii people of Queen Charlotte Islands honor two birds in their culture:  ravens and eagles.
   Last night, on 11-11-12, another earthquake hit Queen Charlotte at exactly 11:50:44 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, which is also the time in Denver, Colorado. 
   Outside Denver are two towns by the names of:   Eagle and Raven. 
   Several roads in Denver have been closed since October 30, 2012, until today.
   In 2005, the CIA moved its domestic headquarters to Denver.
   According to the book of Revelation, we know that New York City and much of the east coast will be destroyed at a certain time, which means Denver will become the capital city of the United States, United Nations, and the New World Order. 
   The Denver Broncos' mascot horse is now the color of pale, and we know that the pale rider of the Revelation appocalypse rides a pale horse. 
   What is God saying?
   Tomorrow, on 11-13-2012, there will be a full eclipse of the sun, and the best place on earth to watch this event will be in Queensland, Australia; and the time for this event in North America will be at about 3:30 in the afternoon. 
   According to astrology, this eclipse on the 13th represents the transforming of the Scorpion into the lofty Eagle; or, the Scorpion will transform into the Serpent of Wisdom. 
   So then, what is God saying?
   Will a great event happen on the 13th or 14th?  Will there be an announcement or a proclamation declared from Denver? 
   What is God saying?
   To be honest, I am not absolutely sure.  But I believe, however, is that we should be watchful, be viligant, and be ready for something to happen. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


   And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.
   And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray:  and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
   But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves:  for the wind was contrary.
   And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
   And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
   But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
   And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
   And he said, Come.  And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
   But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
   And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
   And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
   Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.  (Matthew 14: 22-33)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


   He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  (Isaiah 40: 29-31)

   Eagles are powerful.  Eagles are strong.  Eagles are free to fly and soar above the clouds.
   Upon acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we are like eagles.  We have been reconciled to God through Christ for the forgiveness of our sin, and we have been set free:  out of prison and free to fly, free to soar, and our strength is from the Lord.  Every day with Him is a new day:  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  (II Corinthians 5: 17)
   Ravens, on the other hand, represent the captivity of mankind, the darkness of the inner self, the soul, and the darkness of the mind. 
   Ravens live in the past:  stuck in the traditions, rites, and rituals of daily existence. 
   Ravens live for today, or for the moment.  They need excitement to perk up their day, then, when the music stops, they retreat back in their world of darkness, loneliness, and despair. 
   Ravens are needy people.  They need others to help them break out of boredom. 
   Religion is the feeding ground for ravens, and the menu never changes.  The routine is memorized.  From the cradle to the grave, there is no difference from one religious ceremony to the next.
   The faith of ravens is in the menu:  the rites, rituals, and traditions.  The menu will do no more for them today than it did for them fifty years ago, and the menu will do no more for them until the day they die.  Yet, the ravens continue to flock to the feeding grounds of yesterday's menu. 
   Ravens are forbidden to read the Holy Bible because the priests know that the flock will become eagles! 
   For Jesus said, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8: 31, 32)  
   Today, you can become an eagle by placing your faith in Christ the Lord, and you will, indeed, mount up with wings as eagles. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


   Today is Election Day in the United States. 
   As I voted this morning, I was reminded that a vote today is not a vote for a political party, nor a vote for a political personality.  But a vote is about LEADERSHIP.
   More than anything else, the United States needs leadership. 
   Companies and corporations need leadership.
   Families need leadership.
   Leaders are shepherds of people.
   If change is not good for the people of the United States, then the shepherd is the problem.
   If change is not good for the employees of companies and corporations, then there is a problem with the shepherds.
   If change is not good for families, there is also a problem with the shepherds. 
   Leadership by example should be the motto of people in leadership positions.
   King David was the shepherd of the Jewish people of Israel, and King David was submissive to Almighty God, Creator of the universe.  King David was not ashamed when he wrote the 23rd Psalm:
    The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:  he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    He restoreth my soul:  he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:  for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:  thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:  and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. 

   Today in the United States, we are voting for a "king" to lead us as President of the United States.  If the person we elect is submissive to God, we will experience great joy; but if our new President is not on bended knees to Almighty God, Creator of the universe, we will suffer pain and great sorrow.   
   And the same can be said for the shepherds of companies, corporations, and families. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


   For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3: 23)
   But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  (Romans 5: 8)
   As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.  (Romans 3: 10)
   If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.  (I John 1: 8-10)
   That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  (Romans 10: 9)

   It is difficult for good people to be saved; it is also difficult for religious people to be saved.
   Many people in this world are good people, and many people in this world are religious people.
   Good people and religious people are like-minded:  they believe that they are not bad enough to go to a place called hell, and therefore they justify their own behaviour by learned behaviours:  they have learned how to be good people, and they have also learned how to be religious people. 
   From their environment, they learn how to be good kids, good parents, good employees.  They work hard, they help their neighbors, and they can be friendly and nice to other people.  See? 
   People can also be bad people:  their environment teaches them to be rude and crude to others, from which they can also learn to be thieves, robbers, and even killers of fellow humans. 
   In which environment were you born?  Were you born in an environment that taught you how to be good, or were you born in an environment that taught you how to be bad?
   Good people, therefore, can easily believe that it is bad people in need of salvation, for good people can not think of themselves as bad people.  And when you mix good with religion, people have a double-edged swords in their minds that war against God. 
   It is often said---which many people believe---that only the good die young.  But if you take a look at statistics, many bad people die young, too!
   Heaven is the House of God.  Even in our own world (as good people) do we not wait to be invited before entering another person's home?  Then why do good people think they can go to the House of God without an invitation?  Do we not think it is rude just to walk in another person's home without an invitation to come in?  Why do we knock at doors? 
   In like manner, the Holy Spirit knocks at the doors of our hearts with an invitation to know Christ, who is the Door of Heaven! 
   Compared to God's holiness, our goodness is as filthy rags!  For all of the goodness we know we have learned from this world and not from the world of God!
   A child can be taught to be a good person, and a child can also be taught to be a religious person.  You can teach a child where to sit in church, how to sit, when to stand, when to sing, how to pray and say amen.  You can also baptize a baby, but does anyone ever ask the baby if he or she wants to be baptized?  No!  We make that decision for the child.  Yet, accepting baptism and accepting religion is not the same as accepting God.  We tend to think that they are one in the same because of the teachers in our own environment.  Therefore, we are deceived in our own minds because of the things we do, which are the things we have been taught to do, which are learned behaviours.
  For it is not difficult to teach a child religion.  But the longer we live and the older we get, the more difficult it is for a person to accept Christ as his or her Saviour because we hang on to our religious minds and will not let go, for religion becomes a person's security blanket:  and they are afraid to let go of their security blankets and trust in Christ by faith. 
  To be saved by Christ, however, we must let go of everything we cling to, from everything we have learned from this world, for even this world we live in is against God---even religion---for religion is by sight and God is by faith. 
  Christ is not by sight, but by faith. 
  Please read the Scriptures at the top of this page for a second time.