Tuesday, July 10, 2012


   As humans, we become creatures of habits:  abiding in our comfort zones, not wanting to be disturbed or distracted, and managing our own lives as best as we can on the same set of tracks, always moving forward, being careful not to move to the left or drift to the right, not wanting to stop ahead, and certainly with no desire to reverse.
   As humans, we like our traditions, our rites and rituals, and we want everything and everybody in their assigned places, doing all that we have adapted and accepted in our lives, turning off the lights at a specific time, thank you, and going to bed.
   Families are quite proud of their rites, rituals, and traditions.  And everything in the family was perfectly normal until Sue married Hugh, and Hugh did not want to play ball at the family picnic.
   Businesses like and enjoy their rites, rituals, and traditions.  And everything in the business was perfectly normal until Pop hired New York Joe to manage the company instead of Mom's favorite boy.
   Churches and religions are also proud of their rites, rituals, and traditions.  And everything in the local assembly was fine until a certain family got out of line.
   A new set of golf clubs does not necessarily assure lower strokes on a scorecard no more than a new set of pews can increase the numbers of a church membership.
   Change is difficult for many people in many situations because many people do not like to change their habits, especially if changing habits means a loss of control.  As long as people are in control, they have power.  Take away their control and they lose their power.  Even though a change could produce better results, or at least something new and different, people prefer to keep things just the way they are, for no other reason than for the fact:  "That's the way we've always done it." 
   Before Christ was born in Bethlehem, no person in the whole world had never heard His name.  Yet for the past 2000 years, people in every nation around the world have heard the name of Jesus.  Isn't that something!
   So what is so different about Jesus?
   Jesus was a new kid on the block.  He ushered in a new way of thinking and a new way of living; therefore, Jesus is not concerned about your rites, rituals, and traditions:  He is interested in your soul.
   Jesus is interested in you as a person instead of your habits.
   With Christ, you can pray at any time, not just at church time.
   With Christ, you can be free from the shackles that bind you and hold you hostage.
      For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:  it is the gift of God.  Not of works, lest any man should boast.  (Ephesians 2: 8-9)
   When you meet Christ, you will stand with Him as a new kid on the block.
   And what is this block on which you stand with Him?
   The universe!

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