This is a picture of my Dad, working in a barbershop when he was young.
Let me tell you about him.
He had a quiet and gentle spirit.
He never had any enemies.
He never had an unkind word to say about others, and others never had an unkind word to say about him.
He had an ear for music.
His best friend was his Bible, taking it with him to church as well as to work.
One of my favorite memories of him happened in the heat of summer each year when he would take a chair from the house and sit under the shade of the maple trees and quietly read his Bible, which confirmed his understanding of "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46: 10)
His brothers and sisters called him Gar, an abbreviation for his middle name, Garfield, but most folks called him Preacher Pruitt.
James Garfield Pruitt was born in Wilkes County, North Carolina, on September 14, 1904, and passed away at our home on Cool Springs Road on August 1, 1962, one month shy of his 58th birthday. His parents were Hampton Pruitt and Samantha Blevins, and his father-in-law was the Rev. Calloway Blevins.
James Garfield Pruitt was born in Wilkes County, North Carolina, on September 14, 1904, and passed away at our home on Cool Springs Road on August 1, 1962, one month shy of his 58th birthday. His parents were Hampton Pruitt and Samantha Blevins, and his father-in-law was the Rev. Calloway Blevins.
Many more memories I could tell you about him, but, most of all, I remember him as the greatest man I have ever known.
"How beautiful are the feet of them
that preach the gospel of peace,
and bring glad tidings of great things."
(Romans 10: 15)
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