Sunday, November 19, 2017


   When people choose to walk with God, the Lord will give them many stories to tell; but when people turn their faces against God, they are walking in their own imaginations and telling their own stories.
   More than this, people can also walk in the imaginations of others.

   In the Bible, God warns us about the power of man's imagination as well as the power of man's heart.

   First, "the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth."               (Genesis 8: 21)

   Secondly, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:  who can know it?"   (Jeremiah 17: 9)

   Therefore, when man puts his evil imagination to work and mix it with his deceitful and desperately wicked heart, what will man do? 
   He will produce evil things because nothing good can come out of him.
   When people, obviously, agree with the imagination of others, they also walk in their imaginations:  so that they surrender their own minds to the minds of others, thereby becoming like them because they have also surrendered their own identity for the identity of others as their ways become their ways and their beliefs become their beliefs:  they become walking-talking textbooks of their role models, or their idols:  so that everything they do and pursue is reflected from others into their own souls.
   More than this, evil man will persuade others to agree with him for the purpose of producing a war against God, a war against God's people, and a war against the Bible, the Word of the Lord. 
  And the vehicle man has produced to fight against God is man's invention of religion from his evil imagination and from his deceitful and desperately wicked heart:  for everything that religion is it is a work of deception, thereby leading people to also turn their faces against God:  for religion is an evil thing, for it is out of man from whence religion comes and not from God.
   Perhaps we should stop here and ask a question:
   Are you walking in your own imagination and telling your own stories, or are you walking in the imagination of others and telling their  stories? 
   Once people enter the arena of religion, for example, they are walking in the imagination of others.   For it is there that they cannot take their eyes off their religion, just as they cannot take their eyes off their leaders, who stand before them in either fancy suits or priestly garments, and to their words they accept and obey as if they are hearing words from above:  as it is also here where they teach their children to do likewise:  to become followers of man instead of becoming followers of God.  Now that the parents are deceived, the parents will then contribute to the deception of their own children by agreeing to have the heads of their children dipped in the same indoctrination from the time they are toddlers, or even at the beginning of their infancy.

   Again, God issues a warning for people in their deception of others:

      "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD."  (Jeremiah 17: 5)

   But God, because of His grace, gives people a door through which they can escape the wicked leadership of man:

      "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is."    (Jeremiah 17: 7)

   Furthermore, it must also be said that, as children grow up in the arena of religion (or as they become adults) they retain their childlike minds because they were never instructed to make their own decisions, but primarily because they have always relied on their religion's rulers to make their decisions for  them.  In other words, their religion does their thinking for  them; and to their religion they cling to all the days of their lives while still believing in the same teachings when they are seventy just as they were taught to believe when they were seven because the script never changes.
   When we arrive in arenas of fake churches and fake Christian religions, we see yet another truth in adults with childlike minds; for after attending Christmas Eve services in their institutions, some people will rush home to read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'  to their children.  Instead of reading the second chapter of Luke from the Bible, concerning the birth of Christ, they choose instead to read a book of fantasy  at this most important time of the year because they, the parents, still retain their childlike minds and they like the story as much as they believe their children will also like the story and thereby believe that Santa Claus is the lord of Christmas and not Christ the Lord.  Baby Jesus was the story at church, but at home a mythical character is the story with the children not knowing the difference because the parents, still with childlike minds, do not know the difference.  And just as the parents continue to walk in the imagination of their religion, the children learn to walk in the imagination of their parents and in the same religion, which can extend across generations and even for hundreds of years.
   But the Word of the Lord tells us the truth about these circumstances:

      "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child:  but when I became a man, I put away childish things."  (1st Corinthians 13: 11)

  Men and women of religion, however, are unable to put away this childish thing of religion unless their minds and hearts are converted to the knowledge of Christ. 

      "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  (Hebrews 11: 1)
     "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  (Romans 10: 17)
     "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent."  (Romans 10: 14, 15)

   The people of religions and fake churches are not people of faith because they are people of sight.  They can see their temples, shrines, and cathedrals; they can see the carpeted floors, the padded pews and padded kneelers; they can see the lofty ceilings and dangling chandeliers; they can see their images of idols of worship on the floor or hanging on the walls; and they can see their ministers and priests standing in front of their eyes.  To them, seeing is believing.  For, if everything they see with their eyes were taken away, what would they have to believe?
   Walking in one's imagination is easy to do, for people do not have a problem with disagreeing with self.  We can easily achieve small tasks we see in our imaginations and leave the more difficult visions for another time, or ignore them entirely. 
   It is also easy to walk in the imaginations of others, for all we need to do is agree with them:  at which time we become like-minded.  By agreeing with them, their thoughts become our thoughts, their ways become our ways, and their words become our words:  after which we can become "witnesses" of the person we agreed with and tell others all about this person and his plans:  at which time, too, we can invite others to come on over and join us in our endeavor. 
   Politics is all about telling people what people like to hear. 
   Religion is also telling people what people like to hear.
   Please remember that man uses his imagination for man himself:  to exalt man, to exalt the works of man, and to exalt man in his own mind with the belief that he knows better than God, and that man can build his own way to heaven in his own way, which is why man created his institution of religion that has many branches, just as a tree has many branches from the same school of thought:  out of his "deceitful and desperately wicked heart"  ((Jeremiah 17: 19) in his war against God.
   To know Christ, people must stop walking in imagination and come out of religion and its imaginary world of fantasy and make-believe. 
      "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."  (2nd Corinthians 6: 17-18)

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