Thursday, March 23, 2017


   It is impossible for people to believe in the Bible until they believe in God of the Bible:  for God and His words are one.  Until then, they will believe in a god of their own image, or an image that has been planted in their minds, which leads them to believe that that god is God---when, in truth, that god is a graven image, created from the imaginations of unholy men and scattered throughout the religions of man all across the earth.
   Knowing that this is true, we must therefore be able to believe that to deny the Bible is to deny God, and to deny God is to deny the Bible.
   Jesus said,
      "I am the way, the truth, and the life:  no man cometh to the Father, but by me."  (John 14: 6)
   If I do not believe in these words of Jesus, then I am no part of Him, and He is no part of me.  For it is impossible  for me to believe in the Father, without believing in the Son, just as it is impossible for me to believe in the Son, without believing in the Father, because the Father and the Son are one.
   God of the Bible is living, but the god or gods of man's religions do not exist; therefore they are not living. 
   Obviously, people of religion worship gods that exist only in their imaginations:  for they are still like little children and still believing in false teachings, such as the teachings of Santa Claus and Easter Bunny.
   We know that children like fairytales, but we also know that adults, with childlike minds, also like fairytales.  For this reason, religion thrives in the childlike minds of people, no matter how young or old they may be.
   Christ, on the other hand, did not come to earth to introduce us to the god or gods of man's imaginations, but He came to introduce us to the Father as well as to Himself.
   Neither did Christ come to earth to launch a new religion; but men of religion, on the other hand, have been deceiving people by persuading them to believe that Christ is the founder of Christianity, or the Christian religion---when Christ never said a word about a new religion!
   For it was evil men who changed the simple faith of people in Christ to a religion and they named it Christianity---a mixture of Catholicism, a host of Protestant denominations, Mormonism, and, up to and including Chrislam, which is half Christianity and half Islam:  the belief that God and Allah are one, that God and Allah share the same throne, and that God and Allah abide in the same heaven.
   Just as young children are unable to separate Santa Claus from Christmas, adults with childlike minds are unable to separate Christ from religion, or religion from Christ, because their minds have been indoctrinated with false beliefs since the days of their youth, which leads them to believe in the false doctrine that their salvation is in their religion and not in Christ---or, that their religion comes first.
   Today, it is virtually impossible for many people not to think about religion, just as it is virtually impossible for many people not to think about Santa Claus at Christmas:  for they are living under the illusion that pleasing their religion is the same as pleasing God, which is a lie; for God is not the creator of man's religions, nor is God the author of man's religious doctrines and rituals.
   Obviously, too, God is a stranger  to people; yet people can believe they know God simply because they know a religion!
   Since God is therefore a stranger, then we must be introduced to Him, and that introduction to knowing God is written in the Bible and not in the religious books of man.  Consequently, if people believe in the religious books written by man, then they will believe in the god and gods of man's religions; but if they will believe in the Bible, then they can come to believe in God and Christ, for God and Christ are one.
   The proof of our faith will be demonstrated in our own words:
      At Christmas, for example, do you talk about the birth of Christ, or do you talk about Santa Claus?
      At Easter, do you talk about the resurrection of Christ, or do you talk about Easter Bunny?

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