Thursday, March 30, 2017


   Humans:  we are the only living species on earth that shackles our own kind in the unlawful world of slavery while saying we believe in the freedom of all people.
   Animals, fish, and birds do not do that.
   Humans:  we are the only living species on earth that trades and sells our own kind for slavery, pornography, prostitution, drugs, and sex. 
   Animals, fish, and birds do not do that.
   Humans:  we are the only living species on earth that baptizes its babies before offering their little bodies as sacrifices on altars of fire to gods and goddesses of our own invention. 
   Animals, fish, and birds do not do that.
   Even as we face death, humans is the only living species on earth with the desire that eulogies will be offered at funerals and memorials that will tell the world of all the greatness we achieved while living, as well as how much greater we will be when we exit the other side of the grave.
   Animals, fish, and birds do not do that.
   Humans:  whom do people praise?
   Most often, we praise ourselves. 
   We praise our philosophies and the thoughts we have of ourselves.
   We praise our political institutions and politicians.
   We praise our religious institutions and spiritual gurus.
   We praise our sports stars, movie stars, and television heroes.
   We praise our architectural and engineering achievements of bridges, buildings, aerospace, trucks and cars, and vessels of the sea.
   Humans:  we like to be first in line, first to be seated, first to be served, and first to eat.
   Humans:  we like for heads to turn toward us when we enter buildings and rooms.
   We like the attention we get with pats on the head or pats on the back.
   We like to be recognized from platforms and pulpits, in magazines and newspapers, and to see our names on bulletin boards and trophies on the walls.
   Humans:  we rejoice in being us because we know there are no living creatures on earth that can match our praise of self.
   At the same time, we do not like to talk about our failures, lies, wars, cheating on golf courses, and our inventions of evil things. 
   Instead, we desire that others know about our years of sacrificial giving to our churches, religious institutions, favorite charities, politicians, and spiritual gurus:  and for serving soup at the homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day.
      "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."  (Psalm 53: 1)
   Men and women without God will praise themselves before praising God, and they will also desire the praises of people rather than people giving praise to God.
   Therefore, men and women without God have become gods in their own minds, for they believe there are no people on earth like themselves as if they are one of a kind and above all others.
   Animals, fish, and birds do not do that.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


   If this nation or any nation is to be great again, the faith of people must be in something that is greater than politics and religion.
   Politics and religion represent the two most corrupt institutions that man has invented on the face of the earth because both are systems without God.
   For at least six thousand years, men of politics and men of religion have been working to divert the attention of people from believing in God and thereby desiring that people trust in political leaders and religious leaders by persuading people to believe that these men know best what is best for people.
   Today, many people totally trust in political leaders, many totally trust in religious leaders, and many totally trust in both---while leaving God on the outside looking in.
    If, however, politics and religion are so good for people, as well as everything that people need, why is the world in such a mess after six thousand years of teaching and preaching the same messages from the same political platforms and from the same religious arenas?
   Men of politics want us to believe in them to meet our physical needs while men of religion want us to believe in them to meet our spiritual needs. 
   After six thousand years of experience, would it be fair to say that both are failures?
   Men of politics want us to believe in politics, men of religion want us to believe in religion, and neither desires people to believe in God!
      "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God:  because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  Hereby know ye the Spirit of God:  Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:  and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:  and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."  (1st John 4: 1-3)
   Ever since the resurrection and ascension of Christ, false prophets have gone into the world, beginning in Jerusalem.  They have scattered themselves in nations worldwide and they have hidden themselves in the institutions of politics and religion in order to deceive people from trusting in Christ.  False prophets are none other than representatives of Satan, the Prince of darkness.
   False prophets are in the world today, in politics and in religion.  They are brothers of the same cause, the same purpose, sharing the same goal and the same ambition:  to deceive people from believing in Christ.  They wear fancy suits and priestly garments.  They pretend to care about you and me and our families.  They pretend to know that way to a better place, such as heaven, after people die.  They want us to believe that we can have all things new while humans continue to live on earth, yet these men have not produced anything new to believe for six thousand years.  For the world is in a mess today just as the world has been a messy place for six thousand years because of the leadership of men in politics and men in religion.
   Have you had enough of their lies and false teachings?
   Until people have had enough, or until people come to see the truth in the light of day, they will continue to believe in these false prophets and live their lives in darkness.
      "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15: 13)
   Christ laid down his life for us and there is nothing greater than that, which no man of politics or man of religion could ever do, for they are human and in need of Christ.  Since these men of the world cannot die for sin, why trust in them to know best what is best for us?
     "There are many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.  Amen." 
 (John 21: 25)


   Words have power, including the power of life and death.
   Because of the words we read and the words we hear, our image and our behavior are reflections of the words that abide within us.
   We have words within us that we live for, and we also have words within us that we are willing to die for.
   Words within us have the power to speak  to us, directing our lives in the choices we make.
   By the power of the words within us, we choose friends, we choose clothes and cars and houses, and we choose religions and politics, sports and movies.
   Words are like seeds, and when we teach children the words we know, their image and their behavior are reflections of the words that abide within them.
   Because of the power of words, we become a tree of words with multiple branches, and the leaves we sprout is the fruit of the tree. 
  What do these leaves say about us? 
  The leaves tell on us.  The leaves tell others all about us, even when we are not speaking:  for the words within us have the power to speak for us, even when we remain silent.
   People speak  from the words they know.  If you know my words, for example, you can also speak my words, for my words are now within you and my words have become your words; and if I know your words, then I can speak you because your words have become my words.
   If you know the words of the Bible, for example, you can speak the words of the Lord for the words of the Lord are now within you, and His words have become your words.  But if you do not know the words of the Bible, it is impossible  for you to speak for God because the Word of the Lord is not within you.
   There are, however, imposters in the world who have memorized verses in the Bible in order to deceive others to believe that they are speaking for God.  These words are only in their minds and not in their hearts.  To know the difference, examine their leaves and watch their behavior. 
   If the words of religion are within you, then you will do and speak the words of religion, for you have been trained to be obedient to those words, and your tree now contains leaves of religion, which speak to others the foundation on which you are built, for your religious leaves is the fruit of your tree.  And if the words of your religion reject the Bible, then you will also reject the Bible.  Because your faith is deeply planted in religion, it is impossible for you to speak for God because God's words are not within you.  Neither will you believe that God has the power to speak because you must first believe that God is living.
   Because religion does not accept the Bible, neither does religion accept Christ; therefore, it is impossible for you to speak for Christ because you do not believe in Christ, and neither do you believe in the words of the Lord, for His words are not within you.  If you attempt to speak for religion and  speak for Christ at the same time, you are an imposter because it is impossible for you to have your faith in religion and in Christ at the same time.
   When the words of religion are implanted in people, they become spiritual clones because religion is just another method of mind control programming in people:
       they do no more or no less that their religion requires of them;
       they stay between the lines or within the boundaries of their religion;
       they do not stand up or stand out as appearing different from one another;
       they sit the same way, stand the same way, kneel and pray the same way;
       they repeat the same prayers they have been trained to speak;
       they do not have a voice or a vote in policies, programs, and procedures;
       they do not initiate change, for change must come from their supreme council;
       their behavior and attitudes are shaped and conformed to their religion;
       their total desire is to be a pleasing model in the eyes of their religion;
       they never disagree or challenge their spiritual authorities;
       their walk and their talk is according to the words that are within them.
   But when the wind blows, what happens to the leaves of their  tree?  Do they remain calm in the midst of a storm, or do they get ruffled? 
   When the leaves of their tree gets challenged, do they remain calm, or do they get mad?
   Words of the Bible are living words because they are from God:  while words of religion are dead because they are from the imaginations of men.
   What do the leaves of your tree say about you when the wind blows?

Thursday, March 23, 2017


   It is impossible for people to believe in the Bible until they believe in God of the Bible:  for God and His words are one.  Until then, they will believe in a god of their own image, or an image that has been planted in their minds, which leads them to believe that that god is God---when, in truth, that god is a graven image, created from the imaginations of unholy men and scattered throughout the religions of man all across the earth.
   Knowing that this is true, we must therefore be able to believe that to deny the Bible is to deny God, and to deny God is to deny the Bible.
   Jesus said,
      "I am the way, the truth, and the life:  no man cometh to the Father, but by me."  (John 14: 6)
   If I do not believe in these words of Jesus, then I am no part of Him, and He is no part of me.  For it is impossible  for me to believe in the Father, without believing in the Son, just as it is impossible for me to believe in the Son, without believing in the Father, because the Father and the Son are one.
   God of the Bible is living, but the god or gods of man's religions do not exist; therefore they are not living. 
   Obviously, people of religion worship gods that exist only in their imaginations:  for they are still like little children and still believing in false teachings, such as the teachings of Santa Claus and Easter Bunny.
   We know that children like fairytales, but we also know that adults, with childlike minds, also like fairytales.  For this reason, religion thrives in the childlike minds of people, no matter how young or old they may be.
   Christ, on the other hand, did not come to earth to introduce us to the god or gods of man's imaginations, but He came to introduce us to the Father as well as to Himself.
   Neither did Christ come to earth to launch a new religion; but men of religion, on the other hand, have been deceiving people by persuading them to believe that Christ is the founder of Christianity, or the Christian religion---when Christ never said a word about a new religion!
   For it was evil men who changed the simple faith of people in Christ to a religion and they named it Christianity---a mixture of Catholicism, a host of Protestant denominations, Mormonism, and, up to and including Chrislam, which is half Christianity and half Islam:  the belief that God and Allah are one, that God and Allah share the same throne, and that God and Allah abide in the same heaven.
   Just as young children are unable to separate Santa Claus from Christmas, adults with childlike minds are unable to separate Christ from religion, or religion from Christ, because their minds have been indoctrinated with false beliefs since the days of their youth, which leads them to believe in the false doctrine that their salvation is in their religion and not in Christ---or, that their religion comes first.
   Today, it is virtually impossible for many people not to think about religion, just as it is virtually impossible for many people not to think about Santa Claus at Christmas:  for they are living under the illusion that pleasing their religion is the same as pleasing God, which is a lie; for God is not the creator of man's religions, nor is God the author of man's religious doctrines and rituals.
   Obviously, too, God is a stranger  to people; yet people can believe they know God simply because they know a religion!
   Since God is therefore a stranger, then we must be introduced to Him, and that introduction to knowing God is written in the Bible and not in the religious books of man.  Consequently, if people believe in the religious books written by man, then they will believe in the god and gods of man's religions; but if they will believe in the Bible, then they can come to believe in God and Christ, for God and Christ are one.
   The proof of our faith will be demonstrated in our own words:
      At Christmas, for example, do you talk about the birth of Christ, or do you talk about Santa Claus?
      At Easter, do you talk about the resurrection of Christ, or do you talk about Easter Bunny?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


   It is easier to believe in an image in our minds than it is to believe in spoken or written words.
   It is easier to believe in an image of Santa Clause than it is to believe in the words of the second chapter of Luke's Gospel concerning the birth of Christ.
   It is easier to believe in an image of Easter Bunny than it is to believe in the resurrection of Christ.
   It is easier to believe in the faces of gods etched in stones than it is to believe in God of the Bible.
   If we believe in a place called heaven that is without God, then we have eliminated sin; by eliminating sin, we have eliminated guilt; and by eliminating guilt, then we will believe that we can live our lives in heaven just as we lived our lives while living on earth because we have created an image of heaven in our imaginations and it is this image that we pursue. 
   This image is not real, but we can believe it is real simply because of the power that abides in human imagination.  We can create this image by ourselves, but we can also believe in this image if it has been sown in our minds from the imaginations of others.  This enables us, therefore, to believe that heaven will be a continuation of the life we live here on earth, with all of our earthly pursuits and pleasures, for all eternity, and a place where God does not stand at the door to prevent us from entering therein.
   Human imagination is a powerful instrument in the minds of people.  We can use our imaginations for good, we can use our imaginations to produce evil things, and we can also use our imaginations to create imaginary places, imaginary faces, imaginary gods, and imaginary ways to arrive in an imaginary heaven.
   But when we die, however, where is that heavenly place that we believed would be there while we were living?  Has anyone ever been there?  Has anyone ever returned to tell us that that place is real?
   Truthfully, if we do not believe in God of the Bible while we are living, why should we look for Him after death?  For if we are not seekers of God in this life, we can, however, be seekers of a place called heaven without God.  After all, how often do people never speak of heaven and God in the same sentence?
   If people will not believe in God of the Bible, neither will they believe in the Bible.
   It is therefore impossible for people to believe in God without believing in God of the Bible; for just as you and your words are one, God and His words of the Bible are one; and just as you cannot be separated from your words, neither can God be separated from His words of the Bible.
   Obviously, God is not an image of a god that people believe in their imaginations from various religions all across the earth; for God is not present in man's religions all across the earth:  for God is holy and man's religions are unholy.
   Many parents teach their children about Santa Claus and Easter Bunny because the parents do not know Christ.  The children, in turn, will teach their children about Santa Claus and Easter Bunny in obedience to their parents.  This teaching method creates a perpetual revolution, or a wheel within a wheel, with both wheels spinning the same yarn and the same images of Santa Claus and Easter Bunny in the minds of children throughout family generations because the Bible is not included and because the parents have completely ignored the first commandment of God:
      "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, and that is in the water under the earth:  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:  for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments."  (Exodus 20: 3-6)
   A mental image is a picture that we can see in the window of our minds, which we can believe is real, even though it is not real, because of the power that abides in imagination.  This is the danger of imagination that God warns us about in the Bible.  For just as young children can believe that Santa Claus and Easter Bunny are real, adults can also believe that imaginary gods and imaginary heavens are real.