Saturday, July 30, 2016


   There are 188 women mentioned by name in the Bible.  But in the Koran of Islam, there is NOT ONE Islamic woman mentioned by name. 
    These facts alone reveal to us the truth that women and children in Islam are not important, for women and children have no human rights whatsoever!  They are treated as no more than slaves for men, and their value is less than the value of animals---or as no more than dung under the feet of men.
    But in the Koran, however, there is the name of one woman that is mentioned, and her name is Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
    Doesn't this seem strange, odd, and out of place?  That Islam would place the name of Jew  in their unholy book instead of the name of an Islamic woman?
    There is a reason for this madness, and therefore the reason for Mary's name in the Koran represents the hidden link between Islam and Roman Catholicism; for in the latter days, Islam and Catholicism will merge and become one religion.
    Have you wondered why Pope Francis has grown to be so cozy with Muslims?
    On May 19, 2016, Pope Francis compared ISIS to Jesus insofar as sending disciples to all nations.  He also said that Muslims "must breed with Europeans".
    Moreover, Pope Francis believes the Koran is equal to the Bible, that Mohammad is equal to Christ, and that Allah is equal to God.
     Going further, this week Pope Francis went to Poland to demand the Polish government to open its borders to migrants from the Middle East and from Africa.
     The Pope's message here should be clear:  if Muslims merge, integrate, and breed with Europeans, the European white race will disappear, and Europe will become an Islamic State!
     Now that we know that Islamic nations are friends with Pope Francis, this relationship should also reveal another truth that is in Obama and Hillary:  for they, too, are friends with Islamic nations.
    While it is true that Hillary served as Secretary of State for the United States, she also served as a prostitute for the Clinton Foundation---accepting millions of dollars from Islamic nations and individuals in exchange for favors and pleasures.  None of these nations protect the rights of women and children, yet Hillary wants people to believe that she is the champion for the rights of women and children worldwide!
   We also know that Islam is the hidden religion of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union, N.A.T.O., and the Vatican. 
   Since we know that Islam is a man's world, what does this mean for Hillary Clinton?
   Hillary is serving Islam as a prostitute:  to lure and seduce people within the Democratic Party in a political war against Donald Trump---to keep Mr. Trump from becoming President.  This is her role, this is her purpose, and she will say anything, lie about anything, to keep the followers in her cult from deserting and backsliding, and from stepping across the aisle to follow Trump. 
   We should, therefore, be able to see and to understand that Hillary will not likely become President because, after all, Islam's is a man's world, and the Islamic State wants to dominate the world with men.
      "O FOOLISH Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? (Galatians 3: 1)
   Perhaps we should also say, in our own words:
        O FOOLISH Americans, who hath bewitched you, that you should follow men and women of the earth instead of Christ the Lord?

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