Friday, April 1, 2016


      "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:  God will not hold us guiltless.  Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act."
   That quote is from Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  He was a German church pastor, charged in a conspiracy to assassinate Adolph Hitler, tried by the Nazis without witnesses, then stripped naked and executed by hanging in 1945---just one month before Germany surrendered.
   A long time ago in Jerusalem, Jesus of Nazareth was stripped naked before his execution.  This was the Roman way:  to strip victims of their clothes in order to humiliate them in front of strangers, in front of any friends or family members, as public examples of Rome's evil power:  and Jesus hung naked on a cross, even in front of His own mother. 
   On September 11, 1990, President George Herbert Walker Bush of the United States gave his famous "New World Order" speech to a Joint Session of the United States Congress.  Ever since that date, is it merely a coincidence, or no more than an accident, that terrorism has steadily increased worldwide? 
   Men of secret societies are the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, operating in governments as well as in religions to produce a New World Order, to bring the whole world under the authority of one government and one religion, and "globalization" is simply a code word for a global dictatorship with one person at the head of this one government as well as the head of one religion.
   Ever since September 11, 1990, terrorists have had no fear of the United States or any nation.  They have had no fear of any U. S. president or any other world leader.  They have also have had no fear of any military power.  Since terrorists have committed themselves to sacrificing their own lives in their terrorist agenda, they have no fear of anything.  They know they are going to die for their cause, for their belief is that they will be rewarded in the afterlife for murdering innocent people.  In their minds, they have nothing to lose by dying and all eternity to gain on the other side of death.
   The leaders of secret societies have financed both sides of every war since Napoleon.  We never see the faces of the leaders behind the curtain, however:  we only see their puppets, operating as double agents, in governments and in religions:  appearing to us as honest and noble people, yet their hearts is of the blackest evil.  They are deceivers and liars, and they are good in all the ways they present themselves to be.  Their goal is destroy the very foundation of civilization, to destroy any form of liberty or freedom, and to create chaos and destruction all over the earth.  They will assassinate any and all persons in their way, even members of their own societies, and even the people in their own families.  Above all else, they are against God, against Christ, and against the Bible; therefore, they must create a world without God in order for Satan to rule the earth.
   Furthermore, on July 1, 2015, Tom DeLay, former House Majority Leader in Washington, D.C., was quoted by Newsmax TV, saying the Department of Justice of the United States is "going to go after 12 new perversions, things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making them legal."
   Even now, pedophilia is being debated and redefined as a "sexual orientation"---that sex with children is just as natural to certain adults as homosexuality, lesbianism, and gay marriage.  If pedophilia is legalized, will sexual abuse of children no longer be a crime against helpless and innocent children?
   The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory. 
   The North American Union is not a conspiracy theory. 
   Our politicians in Washington are stealing our country from beneath our feet and robbing us of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  They are operating behind closed doors, in secret meetings, to usher in the North American Union as part of the New World Order. 
   The world is changing in front of our eyes---and so is the United States.  What will Americans do as we move through the future?  What will Christians do moving forward?  What will the people of this nation believe or not believe, stand for or stand against, speak for or speak against? 
  When our freedom is gone, what will parents say to their children when all the parents did was sit behind computer monitors and play on social networks, or sit at home watching television?  What will they tell their children when they stood up for nothing, spoke up for nothing, and surrendered without a fight?  What will parents say when they watch their own children stripped naked and raped before their eyes?
      "Often men won't see their need of God until He so shakes up their world that they are helpless to cope with life without Him.  It's only then that they turn to trust in God's provision for their shortcomings.  Then they discover that Jesus Christ has so paid the penalty for their sins that God can offer a totally free gift of forgiveness and accept them unto His eternal family."  ---Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth.

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