Monday, October 26, 2015


   The light of the body is the eye:  if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.  If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6: 22-23)
   Our souls are fed through our eyes from the table that is set before us, beginning with our birth, and the table is our environment.
   Our eyes know the difference between light and darkness, but our eyes (by themselves) do not know the difference between good and evil:  for the function of our eyes is to see, but our eyes do not make decisions.
   Our souls are in our minds and not in our bodies.  Everything about me is in my mind, or in my soul.  Just as words and music are invisible in our minds, my soul is also invisible; and my soul is attracted to and feeds on the things that enter through my eyes.  Therefore, the real me is inside of my body, and my body is the house where I abide; and to know me is to know me from the inside and not as I appear to be.
  My body is also my temple, and I am the lord and master of me. 
  Or am I? 
  Perhaps I have given the lordship of me to other people, or to a philosophy, or to a religion, at which time I am no longer the lord and master of me; for I have surrendered my crown, which allows an external power the authority to dominate and control my life, and to make my decisions for me.  In other words, I have volunteered me to others, to a philosophy, or to a religion, and I am now the servant, or the slave, for my obedience is to my master.
   We are attracted to the things we see with our eyes.  A rich man and a poor man can be attracted to the same table of delightful delicacies, which the rich man buys and takes away, while the poor man hangs his head in sorrow because he has no money.
   Feeding my soul is the same as feeding me, for I am my soul. 
   Are the things I see and hear a delight to my soul, or can those things bring to me the most trouble? 
   When light enters a room, darkness flees; and when the sun goes down, darkness arises.
   If our eyes feast on the things of this world, our souls and bodies will reflect the table from which we have been dining.  For example, if all my eyes do is feast on food, then I can also make the decision to feast on food and my body will reflect my delight in food because I will gain weight.
   To many people, I am no more than a face on a human body, dressed in my uniform of the day, yet they do not know the me that is behind my face.
   To many people, you are no more than a face on a human body, dressed in your uniform of the day, yet they do not know the you that is behind your face.
   To many people, ministers and priests in churches and religions are no more than faces on human bodies, dressed in their uniform of the day, yet the people do not know the persons that are behind the faces.  But at the same time, the people will believe in their words because they believe their eyes have told them the truth---when, in fact, their eyes have never spoken.
   Jesus said unto Peter, Whom do men say that I am? (Mark 8: 27)
   In like manner, whom do people say that I am?  Whom do people say that you are?  And whom do people say that ministers and priests are?  What do people say when they hear my name, or your name, or the names of ministers and priests?
   If you do not know the me that is in me, there is not much you can say about me.  If I do not know the you that is in you, there is not much I can say about you.  And if ministers and priests are more like strangers, there is not much we can say about them.
   Drugs and pornography will rot a human soul by opening the mind to a window of evil, thus allowing the soul to be consumed by darkness.  Once addicted, a person will hunger and thirst for more evil and his behavior will reflect the darkness of his soul in his pursuit to accomplish evil deeds, usually in the time of darkness, which is at night or in a dark room.  Eventually, he will not know the difference between night and day, for his soul dwells in darkness while his mind is in constant pursuit of evil to feed his soul; therefore, he has no fear of daylight just as he has no fear of night, for now he believes he is invincible because his life has become a living nightmare, and his life is consumed in his own flames that burn with smokeless light.   As Jesus said, how great is that darkness!
   Children of light, on the other hand, strive to accomplish good deeds in the day, for Jesus said,    
         Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5 6)
   Children of darkness, on the other hand, pursue evil deeds in the night because they hunger and thirst for unrighteousness, which they will find in the darkness of night.
   As stated previously, when the sun goes down, darkness arises; and evil abides, or hides, in darkness:  for darkness is the cloak worn by evil.
   Why, then, do we warn our children to be home before dark?  Because we know that evil will find them in the night.
   Jesus said, I am the light of the world:  he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8: 12)
   When people submit to religion, they assume a new identity, for now they want to be identified within their persuasion---while their religion becomes the cloak they wear to conceal their true identity.  They will no longer speak for themselves because they are now voices of religion.
   When people submit to Christ, however, we also assume a new identity, for now we are identified as Christ-like.  We are no longer voices for religion, for the me that is within me is not as important as Christ in me; for now I abide in the light of Christ instead of abiding in a world of darkness.
   Some people have known me for forty years, yet they know me no better today than they knew me forty years ago because they have never had an interest in knowing the me that is behind my face.  To them, I am no more than a face attached to a human body, dressed in my uniform of the day. 
   Likewise, there are people I have known for forty years, yet I know them no better today than I knew them forty years ago because they have never allowed me to know them behind their faces, dressed in their uniform of the day.
   How, then, can people say they know God when they have no desire to be known and no desire to know other people? 
   For living in darkness produces a fear of light, which produces artificial relationships.  They do not truly desire to know others, and neither do they desire to be known. 
   Without Christ, all people can have with God is an artificial relationship, for they have no desire to know Christ, and they have no desire for Christ to know them. 
   Christ is the light of the world, and while Jesus was on the cross there was darkness over all the land for three hours (Matthew 27: 45).  But as soon as Jesus died, light reappeared:  for Jesus was alive again on the other side of death:  for only the Lord's body was dead in a tomb.  Three days later, Jesus returned for his body, arose out of the tomb, and walked away.
   Even after the resurrection of Jesus, Doubting Thomas said,
       My Lord and my God. (John 10: 28)
   In conclusion, Jesus said,
      Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. (John 14: 11)
   So then, we can believe that God the Father is in Christ as well as believe that God the Father is the Person behind the face of Jesus, which means that Jesus is exactly the person Isaiah the prophet told us about when he wrote:
      his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9: 26)
   For God is the Person behind the face of Jesus, which means that Jesus is God!

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