Monday, September 28, 2015


   Latin is the common language that is used by witches, sorcerers, and priests of Witchcraft, which is the hidden religion in the religions of the world.
   Have you ever wondered why the Catholic Mass is conducted in Latin?
   Have you ever wondered why the Bible is forbidden to be read by the Catholic people in a language they can read and understand?
   Witchcraft is about the casting of Satanic spells in the minds of people, so that the people are under the control and domination of their religion, and their minds are at war against God, against Christ, and against the Bible.
   In order for a spell to be properly cast on people, the spell must be read, word for word, which is why Catholic priests always read the words of the Eucharist.  They are not allowed to quote the Eucharist by memory because they could make a mistake and get a word out of place, or out of order. 
   Therefore, people under Satanic spells are not free thinkers.  They do not make decisions for themselves.  They are slaves to their religious or spiritual leaders.  They are "yes" people within their congregations and subjects of their parish priests.  They do not engage in debates about God, or Christ, or the Bible.  They do not believe in the Second Coming, or the return, of Christ.
   Because they believe that water baptism is sufficient for the cleaning of sin, and, because they believe their priests have the power to forgive their sin, what do they need God for?  What do they need Christ for?  Or why should they need the Bible?  For they rely on their priests to tell them everything they need to know; and, if there are any changes to be made in their doctrine, those changes will come from the Vatican, for the people have no voice or vote in church policies, programs, and procedures. 
   Thus, it should be easy and clear to understand that the Vatican is a religious dictatorship, and the Pope is the same as a Caesar, or a Nimrod---for the Catholic people believe that the Pope is a god in the flesh, and all the others priests and cardinals are as little gods serving the Pope.  They are as robots, marching to the beat of the Vatican drum.  They are against Protestants, just as the Catholic Church has always been against Protestants.  For it was Nimrod who created the first religious dictatorship at Babel, and the Catholic Church is a re-birth of Nimrod's kingdom.  The people of Babel believed that Nimrod was a god-man and the Catholic people believe the Pope is a god-man.
   When people are under a Satanic spell, they have no natural affection.  They have no genuine love for others because they do not have the love of God abiding in their hearts.  They live in a world of fantasy and make-believe, manufactured in their own imaginations.  They are forbidden to think outside of the dictates of Catholicism.  They believe that their religion is the only true religion upon the earth and that people of all other religious persuasions are infidels.  They are extremely proud people and have no humility. 
   For people under Satanic spells, Christmas and Easter have no more value than Saint Patrick's Day, Mardi Gras, or Halloween:  for all of these days are days of pagan festivals, which were created in Rome by pagan priests pretending to be priests of God where they created a pagan Christianity. 
  Witchcraft is therefore the hidden religion within the religion of Roman Catholicism.
   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:  it is the gift of God:  not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2: 8-9)
   For the Catholic people, their salvation through the Catholic Church (and not through Christ) is not free.  It comes with a heavy price.  The people must submit their babies and surrender their money, which is the same as spiritual prostitution.  The Catholic Church, therefore, is the same as a harlot woman---all dressed up in colorful garments, just as a harlot woman gets all dressed up before going to town.
   Satanic spells is a serious matter, and we should know and believe that Satan has the power to persuade people to believe that certain men of the earth are gods, which is a lie!
   Today's blog is a sad story for me to write because I know many Catholic people.  But I also know the truth that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and I believe in the warning that Christ gives in Revelation 18: 4-5:
      Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
   Please pray that the people will come out of the Catholic Church.

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