Monday, September 15, 2014


   If people will take the time to study Nimrod and the tower of Babel, they will come to understand that ancient Babylon in the mother of all religions on the face of the earth, and that all religions on earth have a spiritual connectivity with the same god---even though each religion appears to be independent and separate from other religions, thereby keeping people divided from people within the environments of their religious huts, which is their temples, shrines, and cathedrals.
   Furthermore, this study of Nimrod and the tower of Babel will reveal to people that the god of all religions is not Almighty God, Creator of the universe, and the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
   This truth will also lead people in the knowledge of knowing that all of the worlds religions are coming back together in the last days as one religion with the illusion of creating a family reunion.
   Moreover, people will know that that spirit of Babylon is rising upon the earth even now, which will produce a New Babylon and with a New Nimrod---yet it is that same evil that existed in ancient Babylon that will be reproduced in New Babylon, but with a fresh coat of paint and in a different dwelling place. 
   Above all else, people should know that Christ did not come to earth to launch a new religion because religion is the greatest deception as well as the greatest problem that man has created:  for religion is a creation of man to keep people separated from knowing God by deceiving people to believe that just because a system looks good and sounds good it is just as good and therefore it must be real.
   A picture of a cake is not a cake.
   Therefore, do not be deceived by pictures and images, nor by temples and shrines, nor by people dressed in fancy suits and priestly garments.
      For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.  (First Timothy 2: 5)

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