Wednesday, June 25, 2014


   Religion is the oldest system of fraud that man has invented, and the one that gets the most attention is the most corrupt.
   Follow the money and see where it goes.
   Follow the money and you will discover the truth about man and his inventions of religion.
   While millions of people worldwide suffer in poverty, lacking food, housing, clothing, medical attention, and educational opportunities, religion sits rich and is in need of nothing.
   Not only does religion confiscate money from people, it also confiscates their souls and the souls of their children---generation, after generation, and after generation.
   People are born in poverty and die in poverty because of religion more than any other reason under the sun.
   Religions are inventions of angry men who desire to be gods over people.  They are devious, and they are evil.  These men are as drones in the beehive while the workers in the fields obey their commands and bring them their money.  They adorn themselves with the finest clothes and robes that money can buy.  They live in palaces and mansions with servants.  They travel in expensive automobiles and personal jets.  They are proud and highly exalted among nations, and television follows them wherever they go, giving them free publicity. 
   More than drones in the beehive, these individuals are as killer bees:  they lie through their teeth and their stings are deadly.
   All religions, therefore, are against Almighty God, they are against the Lord Jesus Christ, and they are against the Holy Bible. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


   Regrets, I have plenty.
   Mistakes, I have made many.
   I was never the father to our children that I could have been.
   Across many years and in many ways, I have not always been the husband I could have been.
   I could have been a better student.
   I could have been a better baseball player.
   I could have been a better employee, a better son, and a better brother.
   I could have been a better friend to more people than I have been.
   In all of the arenas of my life, I could have been better in all of my endeavors.
   Yes, I have made many mistakes; and yes, I have many regrets---and more of both than I care to remember. 
   I am guilty of being wrong more times than I have been right.
   I am guilty of making more bad decisions than good decisions.
   For in all the many times and in all of the many ways, I am actually ashamed of my behavior across my lifetime.
   I am ashamed for making stupid and selfish decisions. 
   I am ashamed for wanting my way instead of giving more consideration to the ways of others.
   I am ashamed for mistreating others along the trail of my life.
   I am ashamed for wanting to speak more than when I should have listened.
   I am ashamed for not being more caring, more understanding, and more loving to other people.
   I regret for not trying more in all of my endeavors to be my best.
   Perhaps we will never know just how good could we could have been had we tried just a little bit harder, or for our failures to recognize the tables that were set before us.
   Life is a schoolhouse and it has taken me decades to finally see and to admit the truth about myself, to admit my mistakes, and to acknowledge my regrets.
   Greatest of all, I regret not knowing more about God when I was younger, not knowing more about Christ when I was younger, and not becoming a student of the Bible when I was younger.  For now I know the purpose of this life is a preparation for life that is yet to come. 
   Knowing this, then perhaps my latter years will be my best of years.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


   We pray for this, and we pray for that.
   We pray for grandma when she is sick, then we pray for her to have a peaceful death if her situation is terminal.
   We pray for a house, then we pray for a bigger house.
   We pray for a car, then we pray for a bigger car.
   We pray for jobs, then we pray for better jobs.
   We pray to earn more money, then we pray to earn more money.
   We pray for our team to win, then we pray for our team to continue winning.
   If we do not pray when we are well, how do you suppose this causes God to feel when we come to Him when we are sick?
   If we do not pray when we are well, when we have those bigger cars and bigger houses and bigger paychecks, how do you suppose God feels when we come to Him to bail us out of hot water? 
   If we do not confess our sins to God when we have it all, how do you suppose God will answer our prayers when we have nothing?
   Is prayer to God only good enough for us in the bad times?
   Do you ever pray for a sports team to continue its losing ways?  If a team is comfortable in losing, they haven't had enough concern to care about winning.  Until the team decides to get up off the floor and start playing to win, praying for God to help them is a waste of team.  For if the team does not care about winning, losing is just another day in the ballpark. 
  In like manner, if people continue in their sinning ways, God will not hear their prayers, nor prosper their journey on the road that leads to more sin.  They have the devil for that!
  One of the best answers to prayer that God can give us at times is when he says, "No!" 
  Our gratitude is a reflection of our attitude, and our attitude will frame our gratitude.  For there are times when we need to struggle, times when we need to do without, and times for our baseball team to keep losing.  And there are times when we need to get off the floor and stand up, which reveals to God our desire to do something besides doing nothing. 
  God wants men and women to be adults, to arise and walk, to arise and try, to arise and do, and not to sit on the floor like toddlers while expecting God to do everything for us, and to give Him the praise and the glory that He deserves, and for us to stop expecting to have our own way all the time, like school children, always wanting another piece of candy or a stick of chewing gum.
  And in all of praying to God and asking for Him to do for us, do we ever ask God if there is something we can do for Him?

Thursday, June 5, 2014


   How many people in the world today have DO NOT DISTURB written across their foreheads?
   In the United States and in many nations, our minds have been conditioned to accept life as a world of fantasy and make-believe.  Our minds have been conditioned to accept the unacceptable and to believe lies as if they are truth.  Because of governments, religions, entertainment, sports, music, and advertising, we live our lives according to the script that has been written in our minds since we were babies, toddlers, and teen-agers; thus we live out our adult lives according to the things we see with our eyes and hear with our ears:  in a world where the truth remains hidden, in a world where the truth is like a foreign language.
   As such, the attitude of many people today is this:  tell me anything, just don't tell me the truth.
   Do not disturb me with the truth about God, about Christ, or about the Bible.
   Do not disturb me with the truth about governments and religions.
   Do not disturb me with the truth about heaven, or about hell.
   Do not disturb me with the truth about television, rock music, or about my own golf game.
   Do not disturb me with the truth about human history, or the truth about the future.
   Just leave me alone, let me live my life as I please, and I thank you very much.
   In slow and in subtle ways, the world has conditioned our minds to accept sin as no more than a dirty word, or no more than a bad habit, and a word that should be erased from dictionaries. 
   To strengthen our case about sin, people have accepted sinners in pulpits, dressed in fancy suits and priestly garments---mocking God, mocking Christ, and mocking the Holy Bible---while teaching their congregations to do the same.
   Take a look at us now and what do we see---across America and around the world? 
   Nations are self-destructing in front of our eyes because evil has gained control of the minds of people, in a world where evil has become the normal and acceptable behavior of men, women, and children, filling the world with anger and violence as people want to have their own way---with no limitations and with no boundaries. 

Monday, June 2, 2014


   Would it be correct to say that the only future that interests many people in the world today is the future of today?  Or the future that leads to the weekend?  Or the future that leads to a week's vacation at a beachfront condo? 
   For how far into the future do people really think about?
   Would it be correct to say that if we are to know the future, many people believe that television will reveal it to us first?
   The leaders of the world know that people will believe stories on television, no matter if the stories are lies.  For this reason, television is the pulpit of the world from the throats of men in fancy suits and priestly garments, and their messages are no more than disguises on behalf of the invisible creature behind the curtain. 
   How many people, for example, rely on governments and religions to tell them what to believe as well as to inform them of any changes that will come:  changes that they should be willing to accept, and changes that they should be willing to perform?
   Governments and religions want people to believe that life in this world is as good as life can be, and, if life is to be any better than it is now, governments and religions will make it happen.
   But where is God in governments and religions today? 
   God is not there.  God is not part of their equations and plans for people.  God is not part of the peace process of the Middle East.  Neither is God the god of the United States, or the god of any other nation under the sun.
   Governments and religions are building a world that is absent of the knowledge of God, for people are no more than puppets on strings to the leaders of governments and religions:  even though people do not see themselves dangling at the end of strings.
   Would it also be correct to say that most people have little interest in knowing the future beyond death?  For television wants people to continually live in the here and now while not surrendering any thought about tomorrow, nor the hereafter.
    Moreover, do people assume that all people will go to a place called heaven, or paradise?  Do they assume that heaven will have different levels for people of different classes, such as a level for the good, a level for the bad, and yet another level for the ugly?  Do they truly believe that no person deserves a place called hell, no matter how evil they were while living in this human world?
   Meanwhile, people sit in their homes, watching television and being entertained, not thinking for themselves, when---suddenly and without warning---a big change will be announced that will change their lives forever.  At which time people will get in line and walk the road that leads to destruction, for their minds have been programmed from the people who are the leaders of the world.
   There is another way that is a better way in which to live, and this way is the way of Christ Jesus the Lord.  But because television does not reveal Christ to people, people have been deceived to believe that Jesus is no more than an image for Christmas and Easter; or that Jesus has no more power than Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
   Would it also be fair to say that we are living in a selfie generation? 
   Watch me:  I'm on Facebook.
   Watch me:  I'm on Twitter.
   Watch me:  I'm watching television.
   Do not tell me the truth about God, about the Bible, or about Christ. 
   Do not tell me the truth about the future.
   Just leave me alone and let me enjoy my world of religion, fantasy, and make-believe. 
   As Christians, all we can do is proclaim the truth about God, about Christ, and about the Bible.  We cannot force people to believe as we believe. We cannot force people to come out of the darkness and into the light of Christ.  Neither can we change the world.  All we can do is speak the truth and warn people about the coming danger upon the earth.  For people will do as people choose to do, and their choices are not our responsibilities.