Wednesday, February 26, 2014


      For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers , against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  (Ephesians 6: 12)

   Return to Genesis and to an event in the garden of Eden, and the truth that is revealed to us will unlock the greatest mystery in human history. 
   This truth will explain why people are at war with God, at war with Christ, and at war with the Bible.
   This truth will also explain the origin of man's invention of religions as well as the rise of false prophets, false teachers, and men who pretend to be gods on earth.
   This truth will help us to understand why men are attracted to secret societies, to congregate in dark places, and to mastermind secret plans against innocent people---even to commit murder---while believing they have a divine obligation to rid the earth of undesirable people, whom they consider to be infidels.
   Adam and Eve did not consider the consequences for their behavior in the garden of Eden, and we, like Adam and Eve, do not consider the consequences for our behavior, for we want to believe we can do as we please and get away with it.
   Adam and Eve hid themselves among the trees, for they did not want to see the face of God, nor to face His judgment.  In like manner, men created religions as places for people to hide among the trees from the face of God.
   At the foot of the cross, we see Jesus dying for the sin of the world.  If we accept His sacrificial atonement for us, we will turn to the right and follow the light, which is life; but if we refuse His death on the cross, we will turn to the left and become children of darkness, which is death.
   For even Nicodemus, a religious man, said unto Jesus:
      Rabbi, we know thou art a teacher come from God:  for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. (John 3: 2)
   And after that day Nicodemus lost his religion by placing his faith in Christ.
   For after we see Jesus, the mystery that is revealed to us in Genesis is no longer a mystery:  for now we understand this great war that man has fought against God ever since that day in the garden of Eden. 
   Now we understand why men of religion killed Jesus. 
   Now we understand why men of religion have murdered Christians. 
   And now we understand why men have worked so hard to keep the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Christ, and the knowledge of the Bible from becoming the knowledge of men, women, and children over the past twenty centuries.  For evil men do not want people to see the light of Christ and be saved from their sins; for their desire is to trap the souls of people for Satan.
   Now we understand why there are so many false prophets, false ministers, and false priests---pretending to be ministers of God, when, in fact, they are ministers of darkness:  appearing to be angels of light, when, in fact, they are devils in disguise.
   As Jesus said, Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  (John 8: 32)
   Therefore, know the Bible and you will know the truth.

Monday, February 24, 2014


   The New World Order is the greatest work of deception that the world has ever seen!
   The goal of the New World Order is to dominate and control the world with one government, one religion, one monetary system, one language, and one government-religious king, who will be a global dictator. 
   For centuries, governments and religions have been working together as silent partners even though they appear to be independent powers. 
   Jesus said, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  (Matthew 7: 15)
   Therefore, we should be able to see and understand that the leaders of nations, as well as the leaders of religions, are prophets of the New World Order; for their desire is that people will believe that the New World Order is exactly the institution that people need.
   For many, many years, the people of the New World Order have been working to block the knowledge of God from reaching the minds of people. 
   Beginning in public education (or government-controlled schools) they removed the Bible and praying to God to prevent children from learning the knowledge of God; and in public places, they removed the Ten Commandments.  In other words, government has worked to remove all evidence of God from the knowledge of people.  Not only have they done this in the United States, but they have also worked to remove evidence of God from the minds of people in all nations.
   Deceivers are good at what they do.  They dress in fine suits and priestly garments.  And with their voices, they try to sound like shepherds leading their flocks of little lambs. 
   If men in governments believed in God, however, they would be speaking about God; instead, they speak about themselves as they also want us to believe that our lives will be better with a Mother Government.
   Likewise, if men in religions believed in God, they would be speaking about God; instead, they speak about themselves as they also want us to believe that our lives will be better with a Mother Religion.
   Please remember, that on the day when Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem, the Jews said unto Pontius Pilate:  We have no king but Caesar.  (John 19: 15)
   That was also the day when religious men locked arms with Rome, and religion and Rome have been in bed together ever since; for even now, Rome remains the religious capital of the world---even though religions appear to be independent powers. 
   Remember, too, that the men who killed Jesus were men of religion, and men of religion are also responsible for millions of Christian martyrs for more than 1500 years, beginning in Rome.
   So then, we should be able to see and understand that the purpose of the New World Order is all about raising up a new Caesar out of Rome to rule the world!
   Thus, we should be able to believe that the leaders of the world---in both politics and religion---are prophets of the New World Order, for the New World Order is the subject of their conversation, and they are masters of deception as ministers of Satan.
      And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.  (Second Corinthians 11: 14-15)
   Therefore as the days go by, remember Rome, for the New World Order is all about a new Rome with a new Caesar to rule the world.  For Rome has always been against Christ even though Rome appears to be a Christian religion.  Believe it not:  for Rome has always been a womb of false prophets, deceiving the world.

Friday, February 21, 2014


   To believe in God is to believe by faith, which is to believe in things not seen. 
   By faith, I believe God created Adam out of the dust of the earth, even though I was not there to watch Adam stand up and walk, for it is written:
      And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life:  and man became a living soul.  (Genesis 2: 7)
   By faith, I believe God created in Adam the capacity to understand the language of God and thereby know the voice of God, even though Adam did not see God with his eyes; for after Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, it is written:
      And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.  (Genesis 3: 8)
  By faith, I believe the rain of Noah's flood was not from clouds, for even before God created Adam, it is written:
      for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.  But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.  (Genesis 2: 5-6)
   By faith, I believe that precious stones---the sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, emerald, carbuncle, gold---came from above after the LORD God created dry land on the earth.
   By faith, I believe in the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ even though I was not there to see all of these events; and, likewise, I believe by faith that Christ will return to earth because I believe in His words, as they are written in the Bible.
   And because I believe by faith that the Bible is the Word of God, from the mind of God, I believe the Bible is the voicemail of God:  sent to us through men whom God chose to receive and write His words on paper, so that we can know God from reading His Word, for it is written:
      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  (Hebrews 11: 1)
   You can download the Bible to your phone, tablet, or computer by going to and receive voicemail from God.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


   Human trafficking is a sign for the collapse of civil societies. 
   For when nations exploit women and children for pornography, prostitution, and pedophilia, those nations will collapse from within, for morality is no longer in the hearts of men in powerful places.
   Human trafficking is global, and it is a war against the freedom of women and children.  This war will not go away; it will intensify, enlarge itself, and expand its territorial boundaries as it occupies cities, communities, and neighborhoods are over the world.  No nation will be exempt from this evil.
   Even now, on television and in movies, we are watching The Return to Sodom and Gomorrah---as movie stars, music stars, sports stars, politicians, and religious leaders "come out of the closet" to announce their sexual orientation---while people applaud their boldness to proclaim their civil liberty to be homosexuals and lesbians, and they are proud of it, or proud of their sexual conduct.
  In so doing, they become stars upon stages, the center of attention, and they want everybody in the world to know that they have arrived, or as if they have made great achievements for mankind in the arena of perverted sexual behavior, which includes sex with little children. 
  While freedom remains, what are we going to do with the freedom we have remaining? 
  What are we going to do as this network of evil overtakes the world? 
  What are we going to do as the unacceptable becomes the acceptable?
  What are we going to do as nation after nation is falling into chaos and disorder?
  What are we going to do as evil men take freedom away?
  Turning the page, nor changing the topic, will not prevent the changes that are coming at us.  Even now, and as we move along into the future, these changes will come upon us faster and faster, and these changes will produce the imprisonment of nations.
  While freedom remains, what are we going to do?
  Do we close our eyes and pretend to see nothing?
  Do we close our ears and pretend to hear nothing?
  Do we want to believe that we are merely dreaming, and when we awaken all things will be new, as if none of this ever happened?
  Or do we want to believe that some people are simply experiencing wild and crazy dreams, or nightmares?
  Evil men of the earth want us to believe that they are leading us out of bondage and up to a land that is flowing with milk and honey, and that a world government will produce world peace.  They want us to believe that one of them is a new Moses, or a new Messiah, who will open unto us a better way of living.  Do not believe it, for all of them are liars, deceivers, and thieves.
  And perhaps it is best that we close this blog with a simple prayer unto the Lord:
      I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.  For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself for all, to be testified in due time.  (First Timothy 2: 1-6)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


   God's first creative work was light, and life is sustained by light.  Cover the light and all living matter on earth would die.
   God gave us eyes to see in the light; for if light did not exist, we would not need eyes.
   Jesus is the Light of the world.
      In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.  (John 1: 4-5)
   When we come to know Christ, the Light that He is becomes the light in us:  which is why the children of God are children of light.
      Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot hide.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  (Matthew 5: 14-16)
   Therefore, arise out of darkness, and come to the Light. 
   Open your eyes and let the Son shine in.
   When you go home, turn on the lights:  and darkness will flee.
   When you turn on your light for Christ, people of darkness will flee.
   God gave us eyes to see in the light, but He also gave us ears to hear Him speak; and He speaks to us through His Word, for it is written:
      And God said, Let there be light:  and there was light.  And God saw the light, that it was good:  and God divided the light from the darkness.  (Genesis 1: 3-4)
   For even heaven itself is a place of light and never a dark day:
      And I saw no temple therein:  for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.  And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it:  for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.  And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it:  and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.  (Revelation 21: 22-24)
   As a final note, the word "light" is mentioned in the Bible 12,440 times.


   For more than fifty years, the minds of people have been saturated with fairytales:  from books, television, movies, music, and also from religion.
   People of all ages like fairytales because they always have happy endings.  They usually begin with Once upon a time, and conclude with:  And all the people lived happily ever after.
   Toddler minds are natural targets for fairytales, which can also be called bedtime stories.
   Is it possible that human minds can be conditioned to believe in fairytales for so many years that people will eventually believe that some people in real life are characters from fairytales?        
   Why is it that some people can arrive from seemingly out of nowhere and suddenly become national and even international stars, or celebrities?
   For example, Elvis Presley came from Tupelo, Mississippi, and, with little education and no musical training, he quickly became a household word, a national star, and an international celebrity.
   The Beatles came out of Liverpool, England, and, like Elvis, with little education and no musical training, they quickly became household names, national stars, and international celebrities.
   And suddenly, more and more people flooded the landscape from out of nowhere, and, with little education and with little or no musical training, quickly became household names, national stars, and international celebrities. 
   Barack Obama came from out of nowhere, and, with little attention given to his background, his biography, or his life's history, became President of the United States.
   What is there about some people who can grab the minds of people in a single day?  And how is it that many people---even millions---can suddenly be magnetized with strangers in a moment of time?
   Are fairytales a prelude to people and events that will come later, a type of psychological prophecy that mesmerizes the minds of people subconsciously, or subliminally? 
   Is it possible that images can be transferred to the minds of people through colorful characters and innocent stories, thus filling their imaginations with images that will be revealed to them, at a later time, in real people that they see with their eyes:  as if the character in a fairytale comes to life?
   Why did people weep and scream when they heard Elvis Presley and the Beatles sing on stage?
   Why have some people wept in the presence of a Barack Obama speech?
   Are these people fairytale gods, whom have come to life, and people identify with them as characters from previous knowledge from bedtime stories when they were children?
   Could there actually be a category of life that we could call living fairytales?  And people become the characters in fantasies? 
   We know that fairytales have happy endings; but the ending in living fairytales is always a tragedy.  For as a person becomes the leading player in a living fairytale, and people follow him as if he is an idol, or a god, he becomes the character; and the people, who follow him and adore him, also become characters in the same story.  The "star" player loses his own identity in exchange for the image that he is supposed to be:  then he becomes it.
   In religious fairytales, some men believe they are gods on earth and capable of forgiving sin; and the people who follow them believe they will go to heaven by keeping their eyes on these ministers and priests.
   Therefore in either situation, the "star" and the followers lose their souls because their eyes are fixated on people as their minds are believing in the illusions from living fairytales. 
   Is this what Jesus meant when He said:
      For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?  (Mark 8: 36-37)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


   Open your eyes and look across the world.  What do you see as you look at television, surf along the internet, or walk on the streets of your hometown or village?
   The whole world is a play, a big performance, and people are in their places and performing their roles, their parts.  They know what to do and how to do it, what to say and when to say it. 
   Some are religious, and some are beggars . 
   Some are politicians, and some are in prison. 
   Some are carpenters, and some are thieves. 
   Some build up, and some tear down. 
   Some soar in the sky while others sail on the seas.
   Some drive cars while many walk.
   What are they doing, and what are they accomplishing? 
   What are they living for and dreaming about? 
   Some aren't living for much, and some aren't dreaming about anything.
   Many are inflicted with pain and suffering, dying from diseases, infections, and starvation, while many are throwing away more food than they consume.
   Many would give all they have to give for a cup of water, a piece of bread, a hot bath, or a blanket for the cold of night.
   As we open our eyes and look across the world, what is the hope for people to have a better life? 
   Life is not fair, we say, and of course it is not.  Many born in wealth stay in wealth, but many born in poverty remain in poverty.  At the same time, many born in poverty attain wealth, and many born in wealth squander their fortune.
   But how are people to arise above their circumstances if they do not know how, or where to begin?  What if they do not believe they can get up on their feet and walk out? 
   At the same time, millions of people are born into a world of deep poverty that they have no knowledge that a better world is available outside their boundaries.  Perhaps their community has never had a pioneer, or explorer, to find a better place and come back to show them the way.  Thus they live and thus they die without ever knowing that they can live any other way.
   Just as people are born in poverty and with no knowledge of a better life, people are also born in  spiritual poverty and they have no knowledge of Christ.  Thus all they know is darkness.
   In coming to know Christ, we begin to see with new eyes.  And now we see the world as God sees the world:  that people are in their places, living their roles, but there is an emptiness inside of them that can only be filled with the love of God.  Though they may be poor, or though they may be rich, there is an emptiness within all of us that will always remain empty until we allow Christ to come into our hearts and into our lives.
   The internet opened a door for Christian missionaries, for now we can write about the wonderful love of God and people all over the world can discover the love God has for us.  For people on the internet are looking for something, and many are looking for love in all the wrong places.  They are empty, they are tired, and they are searching for that which will satisfy their souls.  And when people meet Christ on the internet, they can share this Good News with their own families and with people in their own communities.  They can also read the Word of God by going to as it is written here:
      Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.  And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, I am nothing.  And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.  (First Corinthians 13: 1-3)
   And if my writing does not reflect the love of God, through Christ our Lord, my writing is in vain, and I am nothing.
   The love of God never fails.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


   What the world needs more than anything else is the love of God through Christ our Lord.
    Parents and children all over the world need Christ, and they also need the Bible, which is the Word of the Lord, to help us to endure the days ahead.
    The days ahead will be constant trouble, in every nation all over the earth, for we are living among corrupted men in politics and corrupted men in religion. 
    Throughout human history, the story of politics and religion is the same story:  corruption.  This story has never changed, for it is a world of deceivers, liars, and thieves.  Such men will murder innocent people to achieve their quest of power over people, and they will do it in the name of themselves, or in the name of a god.
   When people trust in God through Christ our Lord, they will never be disappointed.  But when people trust in men of politics and men of religion, trouble is at their feet from this day forward.
   Even now, nations all over the world are sinking because of the evil of corrupted minds, and this sinking of nations will continue. 
   Knowing the end will help us to understand that the end of days is coming upon the earth, which will be the end of human history. 
   As evil men gain power over nations, we will see the flow of innocent blood all over the earth.  We will also see the greatest massacre of Christians that the world has known since the time Christ dwelt on earth.
   Such men are talking peace even now.  Peace in the Middle East.  Peace in Africa and Asia.  Yet there is no peace among nations and continents, and there will be no peace.  What they are talking about is how to dominate and control people, in nations all over the world, with peace treaties---treaties that they have no intention of keeping, for this is a false peace process through deception. 
  Such peace is a collusion with men in politics and men in religion, for these men do not know God, nor the love of God.  For if they knew God in their hearts, they would be talking about Christ the Lord!  Thus they talk peace to lure people to sleep.  To lure people to believe that these men know best what is best for people.  This talk of peace is a snare and a trap.  And if they do not get the peace that they desire through treaties, they will use war to bring nations and people to their knees.
   Such men as these, in governments and in religion, have the mind of Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler, for their desire is to rule the world with an iron fist. 
   Jesus warned us that there would be days like this when He said: 
      Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  (Matthew 7: 15)
   Our only hope, therefore, is in knowing God through Christ our Lord, and, without Him, there will be no hope.
      Let not your heart be troubled:  ye believe in God, believe also in me. 
      In my Father's house are many mansions:  if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.
      And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  (John 14: 1-3)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


   Pedophilia is a worldwide war against children.
   Turning the page or changing the subject will not cause this war to cease to exist, for this war will never go away in our lifetimes.
   Pedophilia is in all nations upon the earth, and it is also in all fifty states of the United States.
   Pedophilia is now on the streets where we live:  in our cities, communities, and neighborhoods.  It is with us where we live, where we work, where we play, where we go to churches and religious institutions, as it is also in governments worldwide.
   Pedophilia is a disease of the human mind that is now a plague, it is contagious, and people all over the world are being inflicted with this evil of darkness.
   Jesus told us there would be days like this:  He warned us that this time would come.  The Lord reminded us of the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.  But did we ever think that the days like this would be a worldwide war against children? 
   When people of nations turn their wrath against children, what does this say about civilization?
   Did you ever think you would see the time when men would take girls as wives as young as eight years old?  And then watch as such men are proud of it?  How they brag and boast about raping a young girl on her wedding night? 
   Did you ever think you would see the day when child molesters would take their victims to church with them to make it appear that they are helping troubled kids by pretending to be a proper role model?
  Now that nations are legalizing same-sex unions and same-sex marriages as normal behavior, will we also see the day when pedophilia will be legalized as normal behavior by governments and by religions?
   If so, then human trafficking will no longer need shackles and chains, and we will become witnesses to children's nightmares on main streets. 
   Such people should be ashamed for being human, but they are not.  Neither do they blush. 

Monday, February 10, 2014


   Trafficking of young women, girls, and boys for prostitution, pornography, pedophilia, and harvesting vital organs is now in all fifty states of the United States.  In every city and community across America, young women, girls, and boys are vulnerable to abduction by bounty hunters.
   Worldwide, human trafficking has more than twenty million victims for slave labor and sex slaves.
   As an industry, human trafficking is estimated to be more than $30 billion, surpassing the illegal sale of guns.
   In the United States, 300,000 Americans, under the age of 18, are lured into this commercial sex trade each year.
   Life expectancy for victims of human trafficking is from 3 to 7 years.  They die from drug overdoses, starvation, fatal diseases, infections, and murder.  They live their lives in shackles and chains. 
   Beyond picket fences, young women and children are prey to abduction by bounty hunters, gangs, and crime families.  They troll fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, movie theaters, shopping malls, churches, religious institutions, and sports arenas.
   Therefore, all of us should be alert.  If you see young women and children with fear on their faces, under-nourished and under-clothed, call the police.  They could be victims of human trafficking and they are running for their lives.  They will be scared. 
  Also, be watchful for cars, vans, and trucks overloaded with people at fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, or at Welcome Centers along interstate highways.  Be able to identify the vehicle and especially a license plate number.
   Human trafficking is a war against women and children, and this war is enlarging itself and consuming nations, a direct attack against freedom.

Friday, February 7, 2014


   Imagination is one of the greatest gifts that God created in people.  But imagination can also be:  our greatest enemy.
   If I only see my own image in my imagination, I will never see myself as God sees me.  And as long as I see my own image in my imagination, I will naturally like what I see, for there will be nothing about me that I will not like.  I like the way I dress, the way I walk, the way I talk, and, I will find no fault with me.  So how could God possibly see anything wrong in me?  For I am perfect in all of my ways, for my image is always cleaned and polished. 
  But if I do not like the image I see of myself in my imagination, I have the power within me to change, so that the image that I project will always be a mirror reflection of my inner self, which is the me that I want others to see:  perfect in all of my ways, always cleaned and polished. 
  In so doing, I will believe that others will see me as I see myself.  And I will like that!  I will enjoy the time that others look at me!  For there is none other for others to see when they see me. 
   If I play golf, oh, my!  I do not need instructions or lessons from a golf pro, for I know it all.  There is nothing they can teach me, for I am the one that others come out to see. 
   But this self-image I have of me can also be self-destructive.  I will not see this destructive side, however, for I am blinded by my own reflection.  My self-image does not have a back side, or a dark side.  For I am a work of majestic wonder in my own mind: 
                                               when I arrive, the party begins;
                                               and when I leave, the music stops.
      How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:  I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.  (Isaiah 14: 12-15)
   In Lucifer's imagination, he saw an image of himself; and he magnified himself to believe that he could reign in heaven and that God would be under his feet.
   As it was with Lucifer, so it is with people when they magnify their own image in their own imaginations, for they will worship themselves instead of God.
    Like Lucifer, they will believe they will ascend into heaven without God's permission, and that they will sit on a throne that is above God.
   And just as God cast Lucifer out of heaven and brought him down to the pit, so will people be brought down in like manner because of their false in their own image.
   A mind without God becomes a habitat for the devil, and because of the self-righteous self-image that people hold up of themselves in their imaginations, God becomes their enemy; and their desire will be that others will see them as they see themselves:  highly exalted and lifted up.  Being deceived, they become deceivers, and their entire lives will be lies that they live in their own imaginations.
   If I see an image of me in my imagination, then Christ, too, will be no more than an image in my imagination.  And the Bible will be no more than a myth and a fairytale, just as I imagine that it should be.  Which means that even truth will be no more than I imagine truth to be. 
   Imagination is the power of self-image psychology, and it is also the power that prevents us from learning the knowledge of God. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014


   In secret societies, women are not included; for in secret societies, women and children are no more than servants (or slaves) to men.  This has been the story of secret societies for thousands of years, and this is the story of secret societies today.
   The reason so little has been known about secret societies is because their activities have been in secrecy, under the cover of darkness.  But because information has come out in the light in recent decades, and especially because of the internet, truth has been written and posted that was not available to the public for hundreds and thousands of years.
   Men of secret societies have created all of the religions of the world, and if people will consider the evidence they should agree in this truth:  the leadership hierarchy of religions is the same leadership hierarchy that is found in secret societies:  orders of men and women not included. 
   Women, however, have been given token positions (to help them believe they are important to the cause) even though their positions are to serve the men.  To these men, women are no more than sexual pleasures and mothers to produce children---while the men are free to do as they choose to do without women getting in their way, or from knowing their secret affairs.  To them, a "wife" is the same as a "servant" or a "slave".
   Secret societies and religions share a common ground:  they are in favor of everything that God is against. 
   Thus, we should be able to clearly see and understand that secret societies and religions are anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Bible:  for the men of secret societies hide within religions, for religion is the perfect place where people do not expect to find evil men. 
   Such men have also found a place to hide within Christian religions or Christian churches.  Why, surely the preacher would not belong to a secret society, would he?  Why, surely a priest would not be a pedophile, would he?  Why, surely priests would not be homosexuals and nuns would not be lesbians, would they?
   In the world today, where do you see women in religions all over the world?
   In the world today, where do you see women in governments all over the world?
   In the world of music, movies, and television, women are portrayed as no more than a seductive goddess, to be desired of all men.  And if a woman will not allow her body to be used as sexually provocative, there will be no place for her in music, movies, or television. She will be sent home to do what nice girls do---nothing.
   And in politics, about the only time you see women is when they are clinging to their husbands' arms in press conferences for photographers, sporting the latest fashion designs, or sitting dutifully beside their husbands at a dinner for the heads of states, which are men.  After that, she quietly disappears while the men huddle behind closed doors and in secret chambers to smoke expensive cigars and sip vintage wines, and to discuss matters of utmost importance---with women not included.  She is not supposed to know what the men do; neither is she supposed to ask.
   How much of this macho mentality has permeated the minds of men in communities all over the world?  Or, is this all there is to being a woman?
   The fundamental foundation of civilization is the family, and these men have disintegrated and redefined the family.  With women viewed as no more than servants of men, where does that leave children in the minds of men, consumed by their own egos?  Do you see any of them standing up for God and biblical principles for women, men, and families?  No, not one.
   These men are self-serving, and their desire is to control and dominate the world, which also means they desire to control and dominate women and children; for they do not have a natural desire for women:  for they have been deceiving women for more than six thousand years.
    In truth, God did not create women to be servants and slaves to men.  God did not create women to be sexual goddesses, nor to be prostitutes.  But if a women will not see herself as God sees her, she will only see herself in the image that men have portrayed her to be.  And when she is old and wrinkled and her beauty faded, her husband will cast her to the street in exchange for a younger model---just like a car.
      Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:  but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.  (Proverbs 31: 30)
   In his lifetime, Jesus of Nazareth never mistreated women.  He never excluded women.  He never spoke of women as servants or slaves to men.  Neither did the Lord teach the apostles and disciples to treat women as sexual goddesses, or as prostitutes. 
   If men today would treat women the way Jesus did, what a better world we would be living in now!

Monday, February 3, 2014


      the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. (Genesis 8: 21)
   Whereas, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1: 17)

   Go to the toddler and consider his ways, for children learn from their environment. 
   Contrary to private and public opinion, we are born to be bad, not born to be good.  We are born to tear down and destroy, not born to build up.  When a toddler learns to walk, he becomes a soldier of terror.  When he does not get his way, he stomps.  Left alone in his ways and without corrective discipline, he will continue his binge of destruction, for he knows no other way.  He will be mean and nasty, not pleasant and nice.  As he grows older, he will seek people who are like-minded because he identifies with their behavior, and he will seek a brotherhood of his own characteristics.
   Moreover, if the toddler is trained in the school of religion, he will be religious.  If he is taught to worship idols, he will worship idols. If he is taught that a man of the earth can forgive his sin, he will go to that man to have his sin absolved.  If he is taught socialism, he will become a socialist.  In his mind, he will seek others who are like-minded, and he will hate those who are not like him.  For the toddler's knowledge is planted in his mind from people within his own environment.
   On the other hand, a toddler can be taught how to be a good and nice person within a religion.  He can be taught to take baths, comb his hair, wear clean clothes, be a good neighbor to others, get a good education, get a good job, make money, and become a model citizen.  After which he can train his children to do likewise:  to be a good religious person.  Through his goodness, he will believe that he is in good standing with the god of his religion.  That he is a man of peace instead of a man of war. And because he believes that his religion has purified him, he will not believe that he needs Christ for salvation because he found salvation in his religion:  in those rites and rituals that he can see with his eyes and touch with his hands.  This toddler's knowledge has also been planted in his mind from people within his own environment, but because he is good and nice, instead of a terrorist toddler, his life will become a performance of good deeds. 
   Without God, however, the imagination of man is a factory of evil.  He can create things that are evil as well as look evil, but, because of his power to deceive, he can also create evil things that actually look good and sound good.  For example, a Devil's Food cake appears to be a white cake.  Yet only the icing is white, for under the icing the cake is black.  Likewise, a man in a white robe can appear to be a minister of God, yet under the white robe the man's heart is black with evil, for he is only pretending to be a minister of God, and, because of his power to deceive, people will actually believe that he is a minister of God, after which they will bow to him, as if he is a god, and kiss his ring.
   Even before the Great Flood of Noah, God rendered His assessment of man's behavior on the earth by saying:  every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  (Genesis 6: 6)
   Because of this power to deceive that man exercises from his imagination, many people of the earth believe that God is among us in a man on the earth, that he rides on a white horse, in an armored limousine, in a bulletproof chariot, and flies in a sophisticated aircraft surrounded by a squadron of military fighter jets.  If they truly believe that their "god among us" is supernatural, why do they believe they must protect him from being killed, murdered, or assassinated? 
   Throughout human history, men of religion have been the kings of pedophilia---the darkest evil of man's evil imagination.  And though people of religion can know that their "god among us" is a pedophile, that he rapes little boys and girls, they will turn their faces from this truth because they believe that their god can do whatever he wants to do, that he should have whatever he desires to have, because if they deny their god, he will deny them---because he is, after all, a god and not a man.
   And when God saw Nimrod and the people building the tower of Babel, the Lord said: now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  (Genesis 11: 6)
   In man's imagination, he builds a brick wall that protects him from the knowledge of Almighty God.  In the world that he creates in his own imagination, he feels safe and secure, for it is there that he also believes he has manufactured his own way to step over sin and to reach his imaginary destination, which is his imaginary heaven---a utopia without God.  In his imaginary world, however, Satan has pulled the wool over his eyes and closed the blinds.  And because of the power of man's imagination, he sees his own image in his imaginary heaven, created in his mind from the imaginations of evil men, which is a double exposure:  their minds became his mind.
      But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:  in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  (2 Corinthians 4: 3-4)


Sunday, February 2, 2014


      All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players:  they have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.
                    ---William Shakespeare

   What is the meaning of life, and how much is your life worth in your own eyes as well as in the eyes of others?
   According to William Shakespeare's seven ages, your latter years will be no more than the days of your infancy because you will return to a second childhood, at which time you will depend on others to take care of you, to feed you, to read bedtime stories to you, and to clean up after you.
   Shakespeare's assessment does not give us much hope, does it? 
   Do you think of yourself as no more than an actor on a stage, playing your role in the play, and the clothes you wear is the uniform of your character?  Is that all there is to your life? 
   In two or perhaps in no more than three generations from now, people in your own family line will know no more about you than a name etched on a tombstone.  Unless you leave a written record of your life, people will have blank faces when they hear or read your name.  They will never know about your dreams, your accomplishments, nor possess any of the things you leave behind.  Were you no more than an actor, or a character, on Shakespeare's stage of life?  Did you play your bit part, only to disappear behind the curtain and be seen no more?
   In the eyes of the world, we are no more than Shakespeare's description:  actors on the stage of life, living the seven ages of man in a lifetime, only to die, return to dust, and never to be known thereafter.  So much for the inscription, "GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN".
   For as we look at the world as Shakespeare's stage of life, we see two groups of men as the stars of the show, the dominate players, the ones at center stage, and constantly in the spotlight.  Their names are in newspaper headlines, and their images are ever-constant on magazines, tabloids, and television.  These are the men of politics and the men of religion, and people all over the world follow them as minor characters in the play, bowing at their feet as gods, feasting from their words, and believing that they are leading us to a new frontier, or to a promised land flowing with milk and honey, and that we are to keep the dream alive in the minds of children, the future generations of fantasy and make-believe.
   Over the past two thousand years, such men have been actors of the same role, spinning the same yarn, and people have been living the same script that they have written; for on Shakespeare's stage of life and seven ages, there is no room for God, nor for Christ, nor for the Bible. 
   When God is not included in the lives of people, they are no more than puppets on the strings of their masters.  For across the world today, the knowledge of God is becoming less and less known, and Jesus, in the minds of many, many people, is no more than a imaginary character for Christmas and Easter.
   While millions of people, however, believe in God, believe in Christ, and believe in the Bible, our roles are not important on the stage of this world, for we are outcasts, unimportant, and not wanted.
   On Shakespeare's stage, we are no more than characters in a play, performing our parts, and, after we die, another person picks up our script, takes our clothes, and follows the same performance as servants and slaves to the men of politics and the men of religion.
   Jesus said, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?  (Mark 8: 36-37)
   So then, what do we profit if we follow the men of politics and the men of religion who have gained the whole world, but have lost their souls?