"Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!"
from the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" (1946)
When I was a kid, my parents taught us to remain silent when adults were talking.
Today, however, it is the youth who insist on doing the talking while putting a muzzle on elderly people.
Today, it is the youth who believe they possess new thinking while believing that older people are suffering from old thinking: that the thoughts and words of senior citizens are no longer applicable in this changing world.
Youth today believe it is their duty to save planet earth from having a heatstroke, from contamination of the air we breathe, and from the destruction of earth by people who care not for the earth the way they do.
Youth today believe the earth is overpopulated by people---while saying nothing about the populations of animals, fish, birds, and plants.
Moreover, the United Nations believes that humans pose the greatest threat to the survival of the earth as well as the survival of the human species.
By this method of new thinking, selective killing of certain humans is on their minds: that certain people should be eliminated in order for a select few to continue the human race as well as protect the earth from destruction.
In other words, certain people are considered to be no more than toxic waste, including a baby in its mother's womb.
This method of new thinking, however, is nothing new, and the youth are deceiving themselves to believe that they are the masters of the earth and lords over people.
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be: and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1: 9)
Adolph Hitler convinced Germany's youth that certain people should die.
New thinking is nothing new under the sun: it has been done before.
from the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" (1946)
When I was a kid, my parents taught us to remain silent when adults were talking.
Today, however, it is the youth who insist on doing the talking while putting a muzzle on elderly people.
Today, it is the youth who believe they possess new thinking while believing that older people are suffering from old thinking: that the thoughts and words of senior citizens are no longer applicable in this changing world.
Youth today believe it is their duty to save planet earth from having a heatstroke, from contamination of the air we breathe, and from the destruction of earth by people who care not for the earth the way they do.
Youth today believe the earth is overpopulated by people---while saying nothing about the populations of animals, fish, birds, and plants.
Moreover, the United Nations believes that humans pose the greatest threat to the survival of the earth as well as the survival of the human species.
By this method of new thinking, selective killing of certain humans is on their minds: that certain people should be eliminated in order for a select few to continue the human race as well as protect the earth from destruction.
In other words, certain people are considered to be no more than toxic waste, including a baby in its mother's womb.
This method of new thinking, however, is nothing new, and the youth are deceiving themselves to believe that they are the masters of the earth and lords over people.
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be: and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1: 9)
Adolph Hitler convinced Germany's youth that certain people should die.
New thinking is nothing new under the sun: it has been done before.